Mduduzi Dube, known as Prophet Black Elisha, has sparked fresh controversy with the introduction of a "spiritual mat" used in his deliverance sessions. The mat is reportedly used by individuals seeking spiritual help, including businesspeople.

According to Black Elisha, the spiritual mat caters to individuals from all walks of life, even businesspeople

“It works for everyone: businesspeople, individuals and families. Whether you step on it, kneel on it for prayer, or sleep on it, it's said to produce your desired results," he said.

"It prevents vehicle accidents, heals the sick, casts out demons, brings financial breakthroughs, and achieves many other desired outcomes.

"I provide the mats, then anoint and dedicate it specifically for you or your family,”

Black Elisha is no stranger to sparking debate. He's previously gained notoriety for using spiritual padlocks, spiritual spears, and for alleged miracles at his church.

The padlocks are said to both restrain cheating spouses and unlock breakthroughs in life. The spears are described as tools to combat curses and demonic attacks.

Black Elisha's path to fame began in 2015 with a controversial incident. A local businesswoman he prayed for supposedly gave birth to a bullfrog after a 10-month pregnancy. Later, congregants at his church reportedly received varying amounts of "miracle gold" during a service.