Isheanogona Morgan Sibanda, a fashion designer and illustrator, gets his inspiration from a surprising mix of sources: music and stories. But it's not just the content that moves him, it's the feeling it evokes and how an outfit can amplify that message.

Sibanda's design process is refreshingly spontaneous. He starts with a rough sketch, and then refines it with details and colours, before finalizing it as a polished illustration.

"My designs are fueled by stories and memories," he explains. "I create a mood board to capture my vision, and the designs that emerge are inspired by it. Ultimately, my choices are driven by emotion. If an idea doesn't touch me, I don't pursue it. It's all about feeling."

When his designs are ready to be brought to life, Sibanda collaborates with a seamstress to translate his vision into wearable art.

Self-taught and passionate from a young age, Sibanda sees a growing challenge in the rise of AI-generated designs. "It makes creating ideas too easy," he said.

For Sibanda, staying ahead of trends isn't the key to success. "This industry thrives on authenticity," he says. "Designing from the heart builds a loyal following."

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His advice to aspiring designers is simple: be passionate and find your own inspiration. "Don't copy," he urges. "Passion is the fuel that will drive you beyond your expectations. The future of Zimbabwean fashion is bright. There's so much to explore, from fabrics to techniques. I'm proud to be a part of it and share our creativity with the world."

Sibanda isn't just dreaming, he's doing. His social media showcases a variety of illustrations, including recent designs for celebrities and even a piece for the newly crowned Miss Universe, Sakhile Dube.