My Dear People

On Friday, some Zimbabweans who are still employed received the biggest shock of their lives when John the second decided to devalue the ZiG from  the fictional rate of US$1:13.5 to US$1:25.

People’s salaries were wiped in one fell swoop. Although this was not a first for long suffering Zimbabweans, the callousness by the regime remains unprecedented.

They chose pay day for most people for maximum effect and I can tell you it was deliberate.

The coup gang has some of the most ruthless people on this planet and they are showing their true colours.


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The tragicomedy that is the funny money, otherwise known as the ZiG, has taken another turn for the worse with formal retailers telling the Scarfmore regime last week that they are on the brink of closure.

The retailers revealed that they are making huge losses as a result of being forced to sell products at a fixed rate to the United States dollar by John the Second at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe after having bought them at much higher rate  from suppliers. 

The experiment with this funny money, which is supposedly backed by tones of gold and millions of dollars in forex, is coming to a head as it is now threatening jobs and livelihoods.

That the same problems that plagued the use of the Zimbabwe dollar, discarded less than five years after it was reintroduced, are the ones affecting a currency backed by gold and forex clearly shows that we are led by a clueless regime that governs by trial and error without any well thought out plan.

There are even mutterings within the regime advocating for the ban of the use of the United States dollar.

Zanu PF motor mouth Chris Mutsvangwa  has pleaded with the scarfed one  to  issue a statutory instrument banning the use of the greenback.

He seems to forget that Scarfmore already tried that in 2019 through Statutory Instrument 142 which banned the use of the multicurrency and mandated that the Zimbabwe dollar be used as the sole legal tender.

However, the move backfired spectacularly with inflation shooting to more than 800% before the regime sheepishly reintroduced the multi-currency regime less than a year later under the guise of ameliorating the crisis created by the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic.  

The tragedy of all this is that as the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion flounders with these currency gymnastics,  it is the country’s citizens who bear the brunt of this ineptitude through the continued erosion of incomes and savings .


No one quite does hypocrisy as the regime loudmouth and former nurse Nick Mangwana. He was on microblogging site X waxing lyrical about the successful demonstration in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly as the African Diaspora called for the removal of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.

In a display of double standards, the regime apologist celebrates a demonstration happening in another country when his regime batters and arrests anyone even suspected of planning to hold a demonstration despite it being a constitutional right.

Members of the opposition party, Citizens Coalition for Change   including Jameson Timba have been incarcerated for more than 100 days for simply gathering for a party at his residence and yet here is Nick making a song and a dance about a demonstration in the United States, something his regime has barred.

 What a disgrace.  

Anyway, what can one expect from one who shamelessly lied that one Peter Murphy, who was trotted out to support last year’s fraudulent elections, was a former Australian prime minister.


The setting up by Scarfmore of the Zimbabwe Independent Complaints Commission that will investigate soldiers, police and other state agents for rights abuses is nothing more than a damp squib.

 It has been made worse by the appointment of Webster Chinamora, a judge who quit the bench under the cloud of an investigation of underhand activities.

This   has  severely undermined the credibility of the commission before  it even begins  its work. Only the probity deficient Scarfmore could score such  n own goal.

The Lacoste cabal have done absolutely zilch to implement the recommendations by the commission that was led by the former South African president Kgalema Motlanthe, which called for the soldiers who shot and killed citizens during protests over election results on August 1 2018  to be brought to account.

Even the calls by the European Union and the United States among others for Scarfmore to implement the recommendations of the commission he set up, has fallen on deaf ears.

It is, therefore, foolhardy to expect that an ordinary citizen will have any success in having their complaints adequately addressed by this commission which comprises dodgy judges and Zanu PF acolytes such as Oliver Mandipaka .

These commissions are actually a waste of time and more importantly taxpayers’ money as they make no meaningful contribution.

Nothing indicates this more than how the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission(NPRC) has been shunted aside in hearings over Gukurahundi, a period in which thousands from the Midlands and Matabeleland perished in state sponsored massacres in the 1980s.

It is the chiefs, whose impartiality is questionable given the trinkets regularly thrown their way by the scarfed one, including 90 brand new vehicles last week, who will lead the process.

The NPRC , which was supposed to  be at the forefront of this programme, has been reduced to  mere bystanders.

 The NPRC, like all the other toothless commissions set up by Ngwena, are only visible when they issue banal statements in the media.

So much for the so-called second repubric!!!



Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)