Spiritual warfare is real and most of the issues that affect marriages, companies, ministries and even nations are associated with demonic activity.

A nation can go through cycles of attacks from the same demons and all that people may see would be lack of progress.

But at times people don’t see the battles the nation would be going through in the realm of the spirits. This can even be in one’s personal life.

Some of the failures in marriage and life are demonic yet those being attacked are not spiritual.

If most of the issues in life are caused by demons, there is a need to understand how to deal with these foul spirits.

First, one must understand the nature of the enemy.

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The Bible says we are not to be ignorant of the devices of the enemy and encourages us to resist the enemy.

In Luke 14:31, we read of a king preparing for war and first sits down to see if his 10 000 men would be able to defeat an enemy army of 20 000.

In a book titled, Needless Casualties of War, the late John Paul Jackson relates a vision he saw of men who were on raised platforms and were in silhouette form beginning to throw machetes at the moon.

He said the more they threw these machetes, the more the on-looking crowd would cheer them up and rouse excitement.

He said the platforms immediately would be raised. This happened several times in that sequence until the men on the platforms grew tired and slept.

The moment they slept, dark shadows from the moon came and attacked them.

These men were engaged in spiritual warfare, but did not have understanding and strength to continue the battle.

Jackson also gave an example of a man who was fighting the prince of abortion over Los Angeles and how, as they prayed as a church against this demon, it was depicted as a man throwing machetes at the moon.

Jackson said in that church, women started having miscarriages. He was a victim to the spirit they had been fighting that was over the city. I am not saying they did not have power over the demon. They had, but lacked strategy to deal with the demons.

Instead of attacking the demons through prayer, they should have gone out preaching the gospel, first turning the hearts of people in the city to God. Because of the gospel, they would have had victory over that prince.

Like those men of God, many are victims of the devil and demons because they started battles they had no capacity to finish.

Many are needless casualties of war because they don’t understand the rules of engagement in spiritual warfare. Yes, demons are real, warfare is real, but to attack an enemy you do not know is foolishness.

First, pray for wisdom on how to deal with the enemy and you will always have victory in your battles. There are books on strategic warfare that can be helpful.

There are some things that won’t change unless you engage the enemy. But there is a need for strategy.

The enemy we are dealing with has been in this battle for thousands of years and has studied the strengths and weaknesses of men.

He can wait a whole year before he attacks. The moment that man of God realised his error, he was assisted and helped to break out of that demonic cycle.

 The Bible tells the story of the sons of Scarva who used the name of Jesus, but were beaten up by the demons.

They had seen Paul and the other apostles doing it and assumed they could do it as well, but they lacked revelation of what it was the apostles where doing.Yes, the name of Jesus is powerful, but still these men were beaten up and had their clothes torn off by the demons.

In this season be a man or woman of war, but be strategic.

God bless you

Humphrey Mtandwa is an apostolic teacher of the word of God and founder of Believers Voice of Triumph Ministries. He has authored many books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness, Night Parables and Theophany. If you want to connect with him or have any questions, get in touch on www.apostlehumphrey.com