The trial of five suspected diamond thieves failed to take off after the state said it had not concluded its investigations.

The five — Silas Chirume (54), Edward Jacob Gunda (62), Maison Phiri (37), Steven Wahita (56) and Isaac Muripa (37) — appeared before Harare Magistrates Dennis Mangosi who remanded them to July 8.

They are out of custody.

Chirume is employed as a diamond inspector at the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe (MMCZ).

Phiri is a diamond evaluator at the MMCZ.

 Gunda is an assistant security manager at Anjin Investments offices at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe (RGM) International Airport in Harare.

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Waita is a security supervisor at Anjin Investments stationed at RGM International Airport, while Muripa is a detective constable attached to the same airport.

According to the state, the five stole the diamonds belonging to Anjin which were meant to be flown to Dubai worth US$31 000.