Bulawayo Residents Association chairperson Winos Dube has expressed concern over the poor state of cemeteries in the city, which he said needed urgent attention.

Dube said graves at most of the cemeteries were caving in with thieves also taking advantage of poor security to steal tombstones.

“Council should take responsibility and make sure that they put the fence to prevent people from passing inside the area,” he told Sunday Southern Eye in an interview.

“The council should also have security for the protection of the area as it is a respected area.”

Grass has overgrown graves in several cemeteries while perimeter fences have either been stolen or pulled down, in a clear sign of neglect.

The provincial heroes acre situated in Nkulumane has also not been spared.

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Dube urged residents to stop vandalising cemeteries and respect the dead.

"I challenge the residents to desist from throwing garbage within the area as it is not good behaviour and a sign of disrespect to the deceased,” he said.

“As residents we need to show respect and also respect our culture.”