BULAWAYO proportional representative legislator Thokozani Khupe has called on the government to fully fund universities and promote research on cancer medicines throughout the country.

Khupe was speaking in Parliament recently in support of the motion on cancer research recently.

She said the government should move with speed and fully fund universities to undertake research on new cancer medicines.

“For one to get cancer treatment it’s expensive and very few can afford the costs which leads to loss of lives. The first issue I would like to highlight is research and development because research and development will make us discover new modern and advanced cancer medication,” she said.

Khupe said research and development played a critical role in finding new and improved ways to enhance public health and stay ahead of the disease.

“It is of utmost importance that government prioritises and invests with agility in research and development because it will lead to breakthroughs in new cancer treatment.

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“We have big brains in Zimbabwe, professors, doctors and scientist who can creatively and innovatively do research on new modern medication on all cancers,” she said.

Khupe also called on the government to move with time as a country and do continuous research to conquer all types of cancer.

“Also Mpilo and Parirenyatwa as our public hospitals, the government should make sure that they are fully equipped with modern cancer equipment so that patients are able to receive treatment which is correct,” she said.

Khupe said the government should engage other organisation in holding cancer awareness programmes so the majority can know more about the disease.

“Awareness programmes will help in that the majority of people will know they have cancer when it is in early state. It is cheaper and easier to treat cancer at its early stage. Whereas it is difficult, complicated and very expensive to treat advanced cancer,” she said.

The government, Khupe said, should intensify awareness programmes to make people aware that cancer was  a deadly disease that needed  early treatment.

“Cancer treatment must be available, accessible and affordable in Zimbabwe. It is equally better for one to travel from Binga to Mpilo for cancer treatment than for one to travel to India for treatment,” she said.

Khupe said investors would  not come to invest in a country with a disease burden hence the government must prioritise healthcare for all.