THE family of slain Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist Mboneni Ncube is allegedly being denied government food aid on allegations that they are involved in opposition  politics, it has emerged.

Ncube was speared to death by suspected Zanu PF activists on February 27, 2022 during a rally in Mbizo, Kwekwe.

He died on admission at Kwekwe General Hospital.

Zanu PF youths armed with machetes, stones and iron bars stormed the opposition party’s rally and violently disrupted it, while former CCC president Nelson Chamisa was addressing the crowd.

They were arrested at Jessie Lodge, which is owned by former State Security minister Owen “Mudha” Ncube.

Police arrested 16 suspects after the gruesome murder, with all of them linked to the ruling Zanu PF party.

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Two years after the gruesome murder, his killers are still freely roaming the streets with his murder having developed into a cold case.

While the family is still in mourning and searching for answers, it emerged that they are also being denied government food aid over opposition links.

“What pains us as the family is that we have not received anything as those in charge of the distribution, and listing of the intended beneficiaries have not considered us because of alleged links to the opposition,” his father Kephas said.

The family recently held a tombstone unveiling ceremony for the deceased.

Police, however, barred several CCC members from attending the event.

Some CCC members were arrested on their way to the ceremony held in lower Gweru, Midlands.

CCC Mbizo legislator Corban Madzivanyka condemned the politicisation of the food aid especially targeting the family that has known no peace after the killing of Mboneni by Zanu PF activists.

“This practice is unacceptable and violates the fundamental human right to access food, regardless of political beliefs,” Madzivanyika said in an interview.

“It is true that Kephas Ncube, a father to the slain Mboneni Ncube, is not receiving food aid from the government when others are getting it for the sole reason that he supports the CCC party.

“Government must realise that the food aid and farming inputs are financed from the consolidated revenue fund which is directly funded by taxpayers including Kephas Ncube.

“The money does not belong to politicians but to all citizens.”

Zimbabwe is in the midst of a ravaging El Nino drought that has left millions in need of urgent food aid.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has declared the drought a national disaster, and appealed for US$3 billion in humanitarian assistance.

However, there have been several reports of politicisation of the food aid by Zanu PF activists and traditional leaders.

Madzivanyika said it was the responsibility of the government to protect the well-being of all citizens, regardless of their political beliefs.

“I urge the government to immediately address this issue and ensure that food assistance is distributed fairly and equally to all those in need, without regard to political affiliation,” he said.

“Discrimination and politicisation of food aid can lead to hunger, malnutrition, and even loss of life.”

He added: “The minister of Lands when taken to task on the partisan food distribution always hides behind the finger indicating that there are no such challenges yet the case of Kephas Ncube is a glaring example.

“The CCC party through its welfare bureau is mobilising resources to assist victims of repression such as Kephas Ncube and his family.”