IN a world that constantly pulls us in different directions, one question cuts through the noise: Why? This is the core of Simon Sinek’s groundbreaking philosophy in Start with Why, a message that could be a game-changer for young people on the brink of building their futures.

Sinek argues that the secret to long-term fulfilment and success is not in what we do, or how we do it, but in understanding why we do it.

For young people looking to shape their goals, careers, and relationships, this mindset can unlock a whole new way of living.

Discovering your purpose

So how can young people harness the power of why? The first step is to dig deep and uncover the purpose driving their actions.

It is easy to get swept up in the day-to-day grind — studying for exams, job hunting, or juggling friendships — without ever stopping to ask, why am I doing this?

But Sinek’s philosophy urges us to pause and find meaning behind these actions. Rather than just cramming for a test or working for a pay check, consider, why did I choose this path?

Is it to help others, create change, or express who you truly are? When you connect to your purpose, everyday tasks become stepping stones toward a greater vision, fuelling your motivation and pushing you through the toughest challenges.

Purpose driven relationships

Purpose does not just power your goals — it deepens your connections. In relationships, leading with why helps forge bonds that go beyond surface-level interaction.

Think about the people you surround yourself with. Why do these relationships matter to you? Why do you invest time in certain friendships or family ties?

By understanding the purpose behind your relationships, you approach them with more authenticity and empathy.

This shifts your interactions from routine to meaningful, building relationships grounded in trust and shared values.

Aligning passion and purpose

When it comes to career choices, why can be the difference between following the crowd and following your passion. Many young people fall into careers based on what looks good on paper — salary, title, prestige — but Sinek’s message reminds us that chasing external rewards without a deeper reason leaves you unfulfilled.

Instead, ask yourself: What impact do I want to make and why does this career matter to me? By choosing a path that aligns with your purpose, you set yourself up not just for success, but for meaningful success — success that resonates with who you are at your core.

Life decisions: Finding clarity, focus

The power of why also shines through when making life’s big decisions. Whether it is deciding where to go to college, which job offer to take, or how to spend your time, starting with why helps cut through the clutter.

It keeps you focused on what truly matters and prevents distractions from derailing your long-term goals.

If you are considering taking on a new project, for example, ask yourself, why does this matter to me? Does it help me grow toward my purpose, or is it just a temporary distraction? This clarity not only sharpens your focus but ensures your time and energy are spent on things that propel you forward.

Building resilience with purpose

Perhaps one of the most powerful takeaways from Sinek’s philosophy is that a strong sense of why builds resilience. Life is unpredictable, full of failures and setbacks.

But when you are grounded in your why, those obstacles do not feel like roadblocks — they feel like part of the journey. When faced with challenges — whether it is failing a class, missing out on a dream job, or dealing with personal hardships — your why acts as a guiding star, keeping you motivated to persevere.

Leading with purpose

For young leaders, understanding and articulating their why is a game-changer. Whether you are heading up a student group, managing a project, or stepping into a leadership role at work, being able to clearly communicate your why inspires others.

It rallies people around a shared vision, making them more invested in the outcome. People do not just follow what you do — they follow why you do it. A leader with a clear purpose can inspire loyalty, creativity, and commitment in ways that transform teams.

Freedom from comparison

Finally, why brings balance and freedom from the pressures of comparison. It is easy to look at someone else’s achievements, lifestyle, or career path and feel like you are falling short.

But when you focus on your why, you define success on your own terms. You are not chasing someone else’s dreams — you are pursuing what matters to you.

This mindset frees you from the constant comparison trap and allows you to focus on becoming the best version of yourself.

In conclusion, Sinek’s Start with Why offers more than a philosophy — it offers a roadmap for young people to live with purpose, clarity, and authenticity.

By starting with why, you can navigate life’s twists and turns with a clear sense of direction, knowing that every step you take is aligned with your core values.

Whether you are forging a career, building relationships, or leading others, understanding your why empowers you to live a life that is not only successful but deeply meaningful.

Chirapa is a chartered accountant and risk specialist.