My Dear People
Ngwena cut a forlorn figure at the inauguration of the new Botswana President Duma Boko on Friday.
As he entered the National Sports Stadium in Gaborone, the scarfed one was booed by the thousands of people that were gathered to witness the final leg of the smooth of transfer of power in the neighbouring country.
Sitting close to former Botswana president Mokgweetsi Masisi, Ngwena did not seem to share the joy that has engulfed the region following that country’s elections last month.
He knew deep down that he is part of the cabal that has denied Zimbabweans similar experiences by rigging elections and engineering political violence at an industrial scale.
Ngwena and his ruining party tried to import that culture into neighbouring countries, but in Botswana it was greeted with derision and scorn. That explains the hostile reception he got in Gaborone.
It is my hope that he learnt something useful from the Botswana elections, which might help him to rethink his 2030 nonsense.
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The useless gathering of regional leaders is once again upon us with the Scarfmore regime to host the Sadc extraordinary summit from November 16 to 20 so soon after the August circus.
Undoubtedly the scarfed one cannot wait to chair his first meeting as Sadc chairman with fellow leaders who have honed the art of see no evil, hear no evil to a fine art.
This was evidenced by the regional leaders wining and dining at the regional summit in Harare in August and blatantly ignoring the torture and arrest of civil rights activists and members of the opposition by Scarfmore and company that was occurring under their very nose amid global condemnation of the brutal crackdown.
It goes without saying that the cabal regime will be splurging possibly millions of dollars for this four-day jamboree despite the country facing an acute hunger crisis that has resulted in the scarfed one going around with a begging bowl.
On the bright side, the country’s citizens expect to have at least four days of uninterrupted electricity supply during the talkfest before going back to the usual 18 hours of load shedding daily.
We have been told, for the umpteenth time, of billionaires coming to these shores in search of investment opportunities.
This time it is 45 billionaires who have landed in Zim from the United States and Dubai, which according to the Tourism ministry “underscores the country’s rising profile as a sought-after destination’’.
Just like all the previous visits from other billionaires to the country, these visits will amount to very little investment, if at all.
The reason for this is simply the inhospitable environment that repels investment which is characterised by corruption and red tape which has worsened ever since Scarfmore was catapulted into power on the power of guns and tanks.
According to Africa’s Rand Merchant Bank 2024 report on investment destinations, Zimbabwe is ranked last out of 31 countries, making it the worst place to invest.
Even the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is ever involved in one war or another, is deemed a safer destination for investors’ money, an indication of the incalculable damage to the country caused by the stone age policies of the Scarfmore led dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion. ]
These are the reports investors consider and not the puerile propaganda from the cabal regime. This is of course made worse by the difficulties foreign companies are forced to endure to repatriate funds back to their own countries.
As sure as the authenticity of my PHD, this country’s investment prospects will continue to deteriorate as long as Scarfmore and Co. remain in power.
The decision by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has barred its officers from using mobile phones while on duty in one of the most ridiculous decisions ever by this so-called second epubric.
Such bizarre policies would not have seen the light of day under the leadership of the telescopic foresighted wisdom of Gushungo.
Police officers are unsurprisingly baffled by this policy as they have no idea how this will work as they use phones to call for backup and summon ambulances to accident scenes among many other uses.
It is a reflection of the impoverished leadership the country is burdened with when such backward policies are introduced.
Surely, their energies can be better expended by coming up with policies that improve the standard of living of police officers than come up with such harebrained ideas.
The exposure of two police officers on a ZRP motorbike taking bribes from pirate taxis and registered public service vehicles along the Harare-Mutare Road is a result of the pathetic working conditions of the country’s security forces.
It is no coincidence that there has been an increase in armed robberies by members of the security forces at a time they are paid paltry wages by the Scarfmore regime.
The dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion should be focusing on such issues and not moronic policies of banning the use of mobile phones.
The ushering in of new leadership in Botswana must be commended for how peaceful the transition was.
The seamless transition is a breath of fresh air for the African continent in which transitions are usually preceded by civil war, protests and loss of life.
This must have left Scarfmore and company very confused as they are not used to such free and fair elections.
The Scarfmore regime will be befuddled that there were no arrested and torture of members of the opposition as well as the absence of police officers banning rallies in the run up to and during the election in Botswana.
Probably this is why some in the regime circles have blamed western forces for influencing the election.
This phenomenon of free and fair elections in the region will be a cause of concern for the scarfed Sadc chair who is used to taking power through coups and rigged elections.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)