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Zim set to host All Africa Golf Team Championship

The AAGTC is scheduled to take place from October 27 to November 2 at Bulawayo Golf Club.

ZIMBABWE is set to host the biannual continental tournament the All Africa Golf Team Championship (AAGTC) for the first time since 2017.

The AAGTC is scheduled to take place from October 27 to November 2 at Bulawayo Golf Club.

Initially, the event was supposed to take place in Seychelles, but the country is unable to host due to disruptive weather and Zimbabwe stepped up to the plate.

The last time Zimbabwe hosted this team championship was in 2017 at Elephant Hills Golf Course in Victoria Falls.

Zimbabwe Golf (ZG) announced the new development at a Press conference in Harare yesterday.

“This year, we have taken the responsibility at the last minute because the event was supposed to be hosted by Seychelles, but unfortunately, Seychelles experienced some disruptive weather and we were asked to pick up the baton. We are truly honoured to host this event,” ZG president Martin Chikwanha said during the presser held at Royal Harare.

“For us, it’s not only an opportunity to host a continental event of such magnitude, but also to showcase what our country is all about. This championship is not just about competition, but also about nurturing the next generation of golfers through various developmental programmes and initiatives that aim to uncover and cultivate young talent across Africa.

He said the decision to host the event in Bulawayo should not be taken lightly.

“This is a calculated, well-thought through desire not only to showcase diversity in the country, but a conscious appreciation of Bulawayo and its cultural heritage.

“Bulawayo is the oldest golf club in the country having been established in November 1895. It is fitting that such a historic venue will host the event that brings together almost 20 countries,” Chikwanha added.

Chikwanha made a passionate plea for the corporate world to come forward and support this big continental event.

The 16th edition of the AAGTC is set to attract top amateur golfers from across the continent.

The last AAGTC event was hosted by Egypt as Morocco emerged winners.

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