My Dear People

If there is anything that the post Gushungo administration has done successfully, besides entrenching corruption, it is the ethnicisation of Zimbabwe’s politics

The scarfed one has been leading the charge with the selection of cabinet ministers.

After coming into power through that cowardly coup, Ngwena swiftly got rid of Gushungo’s well tested balancing act of making sure that every part of the country and ethnic group is represented in ministerial appointments, diplomatic posts and boards of parastatals.

He has made sure that his cabinet is always dominated by his homeboys from Gutu.

If anyone thinks I am being malicious they should try to count the number of ministers and their deputies who hail from Gutu district and not to mention Masvingo.

His government’s appointment of boards in key parastatals since 2017 has been telling. The village mentality in the Lacoste cabal ranks sinks to high heavens.

Zimbabwe is a diverse country with several tribes and people of different ethnicity and there is need for inclusivity for national cohesion.

Ngwena, however, has done dismally when it comes to diversity. This is why I spoke out against that Munhumutapa Day nonsense that was held at Great Zimbabwe last month.

The Stone Age thinking in the Lacoste administration is the one that has created an environment that gives some dubious people  the nerve to claim to be heirs to some dynasties that ceased to exist centuries ago.

One such person is Timothy Chimhinya, who is masquerading as King Munhumutapa and who is now pushing for a constitutional amendment to re-establish the Munhumutapa Kingdom.

If Chimhinya was not a Lacoste creation he would have long been arrested because what he has been up to is not different from what Dexter Nduna was doing with his illegal collection of parking fees in urban areas.

The Lacoste government has also allowed another dubious character to masquerade as King Mambo, but is spiritedly opposing the revival of the Ndebele kingdom. Talk of double standards!


Ngwena’s government is unrelenting in its push to reverse the land reform programme that was heroically pushed by Gushungo in his final years in power.

After announcing that those who invaded the farms at the turn of the millennium, which led to the collapse of the agro-based economy were now free to sell the land, the clueless cabal has announced plans to compensate the former land owners.

Now that the land question has come full circle we need to start asking the hard questions.

For instance: What was the point of seizing the commercial farms violently if  we are now saying the land can be sold and the previous owners will get compensation?

I warned you during my famous interface rallies that the people you wanted to see replacing Gushungo were counter revolutionaries, who will sell this country for a few pieces of silver.

Just look at what is happening in the mining industries where some people are damaging the environment with impunity while working with foreigners.

Judging by the developments on Zimbabwe’s land tenure policies, very soon foreigners from a country I will not name for now will be chasing away villagers from their ancestral lands.

Don’t say I never warned you.


This week the ruining party will have its annual ritual in Bulawayo where once again they will gather to pretend that they are addressing Zimbabwe’s multifaceted problems.

We are already hearing of factionalism rearing its ugly head.

I am reliably told that Dr Amai is trying to fit into my shoes by seeking to influence the outcome of the so-called people’s conference.

She is allegedly pushing for the amendment of the Zany party’s constitution to allow for the creation of the post of third secretary, who might eventually become the country’s third vice president.

The proposal is meant to check mate Generari whom many in the ruining party believe has become impatient to take over from Ngwena.

My piece of advice that the plotters might ignore to their own peril is that the country’s stockholders are strongly opposed to the manoeuvring.

They need to learn from history, especially from my own experience when I tried to perpetuate the Gushungo dynasty.

It will end in tears. When you hear war veterans being vocal about matters political in this country just know that something big is brewing in the background.

Talking about war veterans, those that are now calling our liberation war Rambo, Cde Eleven, must stop it forthwith.

The nickname came from the ruining party’s motor mouth spokesperson’s humiliating defeat at the war veterans congress recently where he garnered 11 votes after being at the helm of the association for 11 years.

He was defeated by the hitherto little known Cephas Ncube from Bulawayo. Again learning from history, Cde Eleven’s defeat was not an isolated event.

It is clear that the stockholders have withdrawn their backing, which they gave to that crew just before the coup and it represents significant realignment of forces in the post-coup dispensation.

Just watch this space!



Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)