My Dear People

The brouhaha over the leaked recordings, in which ex-convict and loudmouth Wicknell Chivayo boasted that he literally had Scarfmore at the back of his pocket to get government tenders left, right and centre, has exposed the appalling lack of judgment by the octogenarian.

 In the leaked recording, Chivayo boasted that he was  20 times better off since last year’s fraudulent elections, adding that he had a firm grip over Ngwena’s dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion using the shona term ‘dzvi’ to emphasise the point.

He said Ngwena fondly calls him my ‘son’ kikikikiki


Although Chivayo has denied the recordings, this has had few takers in the regime, which has reacted angrily to the scandalous revelations.

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The scarfed one can only blame himself for this sorry episode for keeping company with excitable ex-convicts and nefarious characters such as Wicknell.

 It is ironic that Ngwena is now closely associated with the burly businessman whom he once said belonged in prison due to the botched Gwanda solar project tender that was awarded by the Zimbabwe Power Company.

 This has yet again proved the telescopic foresight of Gushungo, who had booted the probity deficient Scarfmore out of government.

By giving the likes of Wicknell government contracts without going to tender such as that of providing the Starlink product in Zimbabwe, Scarfmore has demeaned the stature of the Office of the President.

This embarrassing expose has once again shown the gulf in class between the clueless Ngwena and the wisdom-imbued Gushungo, who would not have touched characters such as Wicknell with a 10-metre barge pole.

The decision by speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda to block debate over the disastrous trip by Ngwena to Russia, in which the scarfed one whined to Russian President Vladimir Putin that the United States was supporting neighbouring country Zambia to make his regime feel lonely, is an indication of how the august house has become a stranger to democracy.

It is a disgrace that Mudenda has now turned Parliament into an institution that panders to the whims of the Ngwena regime by stifling debate, which is the lifeblood of any respectable Parliament.

It is reprehensible that Mudenda has gone to the extent of banning discussion on Scarfmore’s trip of shame just to spare his boss from embarrassment as the gory details surely would.

This comes after Mudenda played a pivotal role in the smuggling into Parly the likes of unelected buffoons such as self-imposed Citizens Coalition for Change secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu at the expense of those who had been elected by the country’s citizens.

 It seems the bespectacled fellow is going overboard to compensate for the outrage he caused in Munhumutapa Building when he suggested that Zimbabweans in the diaspora should be allowed to take part in the country’s elections.

Mudenda has indeed become the antithesis of democracy and arguably the worst speaker of Parliament the country since independence in 1980.

The revelations by the scarfed one that plans over the new currency, the Zimbabwe Gold ( ZiG) began two years ago has unwittingly exposed that the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion had long lost confidence in the Zimdollar.

The assurance he has given that the ZiG will not fail will not inspire any confidence given that he said the same of the Zimbabwe dollar which has been now been consigned to the scrapheap in a period of just five years after causing untold suffering for the country’s citizens as it fueled inflation that wiped out incomes and savings.

That it has taken two years for Ngwena and his regime to come up with a currency that cannot even buy fuel or secure a passport despite it being backed by gold and forex, speaks volumes of the hopeless leadership of the so-called second repubric.

Ngwena’s claim that he came up with the idea of a ZiG currency is in stark contrast to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor John the Second who had also claimed that he was the brains behind the new funny money.

 It is a damning indictment of whoever came up with this currency that John the Second is now reduced to begging kombi drivers over its uptake so as to facilitate with change for transactions in the greenback and that he is puzzled by the low distribution to the market of the currency that was introduced way back in April.

Given the inauspicious start of the ZiG currency, I will not be surprised if it fails well before Ngwena’s tenure ends in 2028.

The South African elections, which have come and gone have shamed our own elections which were held last year that were widely condemned even by the regional body Sadc.

South Africa’s elections, which have led to negotiations for an inclusive government after the governing African National Congress failed to win majority, were a breath of fresh air to the shameful fraud of elections in Zimbabwe.

Unlike last year’s Zimbabwe elections, voting was not extended due to the failure to provide ballot boxes and more importantly there were no state agents  to intimidate voters at polling booths with exit interviews.

Scarfmore and Co could learn a thing or two. But then again it would be expecting too much from this motley lot whose staple diet is rigging and electoral fraud.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)