A National University of Science and Technology (NUST) journalism student, Kwanele “Mntungwa kaMbulazi” Khumalo, has penned his debut anthology titled Who killed Grandfather? published by Underclass Books and Films.

The book is a short collection of poetry ceremony of nostalgia, calm wit and effortless authenticity.

 The 25-year-old rising poet told NewsDay Life and Style, that the inspiration behind the anthology was to take a deep observation and analysis on the loss of culture and norms.

 “I observe and analyse a lot, the problem is that I am sensitive to debates and I do not like my views to be dismissed. I am not good at speaking and uttering my views and because of this I have seen it good to put them on the paper as no one will dismiss them,” he said.

 “The book is inspired by the loss of our culture and norms, injustice that is done to the elders. I read a lot about our African culture, in particular Ndebele culture and realised that what was done long back then is no longer done today.”

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 Khumalo said he has written some novels which are not yet published.

 He said the book launch will be held at Selborne Park suburb where he resides adding that those who want the book have to directly get in touch with him. ENDS

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