RESIDENTS of Gwanda have expressed concern over a Chinese company’s alleged excessive drawing of water from Mtshabezi River, which they fear could lead to the river drying up.

Speaking to Southern Eye this week, Gwanda Progressive Residents Association (GPRA) chairperson Collet Moyo said the Chinese company was drawing water from Mtshabezi River for mining purposes.

He said the activities had destroyed the water body.

“The Mtshabezi water body has never been in that state even in dry seasons. They are drawing the water and using it for mining purposes, activities which need a lot of water. They collect water 24/7,” Moyo said.

In a letter addressed to Gwanda residents, Moyo said the GPRA visited Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) offices to seek clarity on the Chinese company's activities.

“GPRA executive visited the Zinwa offices to get clarity on the activity by Chinese trucks drawing water from Mtshabezi River close to the bridge,” the letter said.

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“The engineer in charge assured the GPRA team that they are not the first to visit his office with regards the matter. Various departments have done so and an amicable decision has been reached. (Very soon), the trucks will not be drawing water from the bridge.”

However, Gwanda town clerk Priscilla Nkala said she could not comment on the issue as council did not deal with issues to do with raw water.

“I cannot give a comment pertaining to the issue because I do not deal with raw water. Rather, questions should be referred to Zinwa,” she said.

Zinwa spokesperson Marjorie Munyonga said the water authority supplied raw water to the Municipality of Gwanda and other users from Blanket Dam which water is conveyed through Mtshabezi River.

“Water users pick up their water at their respective abstraction points, including the firm in question, who is a holder of a valid water abstraction agreement in terms of the law,” Munyonga said.

“Water releases from Blanket Dam are, therefore, done taking into account the requirements of all water users, hence abstractions by one user cannot affect water allocations for others.”