PREPARATIONS for this year's  Matabeleland North Agricultural Show have gathered momentum as more than 70% of the exhibition space has been taken up with livestock displays set for a return.

The province's 73rd premier showcase is set to be held from  October 4 to 7 in the coal mining town of Hwange under the theme "Leveraging our natural resources towards Vision 2030".

Leornard Ncube, the Hwange Show Society spokesman, said for the first time in the history of the organisation, a business conference would be held to coincide with the show.

“There have been enquiries from most parts of the province and about 70% of exhibition space having been already taken," Ncube said.

He added that plans were at an advanced stage to rehabilitate cattle holding pens as part of efforts to revive livestock sales during the duration of the exhibition.

Binga Centre was recently accorded town status and will return to the provincial showcase after a three year hiatus.

Sam Mwiinde,  a senior Binga town citizen, told Southern Eye on Sunday  that they would be exhibiting natural and agricultural by products such as tamarind sauce and baobab fruit juice.

Tamarind juice is made from the tamarind wild tree and is an immune systembooster.

It also believed that the baobab fruit juice helps to reduce high blood pressure.

"We will also take this important opportunity to market our tourist destination places and also showcase local goat cross breeds from Red Kalahari and Boer goats," Mwiinde said.

Some of the prime tourist places in Binga include sand beaches, hot springs, crocodile farm, Zambezi River viewing, fishing, game reserve, cultural tours, Chijalile Pass among others.

More than 60 exhibitors participated in last year's exhibition and about 8000 people attended the three-day event.

The province's grand showcase started in 1950 as the Wankie Show Society and was later rebranded to Matabeleland North Agricultural Show.