BEITBRIDGE, 10 Mar. (NewsDay Live) – Police in Beitbridge have arrested a man suspected of having been part of an attempted robbery at Dulivhadzimu in the border town.
The officer commanding Beitbridge Police District, Chief Superintendent Mesuli Ncube said the suspected robber was badly beaten by angry residents before being handed over to the police while his accomplice escaped.
"The (accomplice who was) carrying a pistol that he fired towards the mob escaped and is believed resident in Musina. The unlucky (robber) was badly beaten before they surrendered him to us," he told NewsDay Live
It is understood the duo waited in hiding for the shopkeepers to close the business before following them to snatch a bag containing cash.
When the shopkeepers screamed, a mob gave chase, which led to the capture and assault of the suspected robber while his partner escaped.
He later told the police his accomplice was resident in the neighbouring country.
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