In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the demands weigh heavier on employees as they struggle to balance the work-related targets and life related expectations and aspiration.

This conundrum has given birth to a new paradigm in management, the Total Wellness approach.

While Wellness is a new concept that corporates are finding cumbersome to embrace, some progressive organisations have taken the lead in embracing wellness-based approaches to corporate management.

Total Wellness is a comprehensive, holistic approach to wellbeing that includes physical, emotional, social, financial, occupational, intellectual, environmental and spiritual well-being.

Wellness goes beyond the absence of illnesses or inviting a zumba instructor for a one-hour session.

A total wellness approach recognises the interconnectedness of various dimensions of well-being.

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It puts emphasis on self-care, balanced wellness programming in a proactive manner.

The timeless business question is the optimisation of productivity.

Asking unwell employees to champion productivity is akin to asking a mosquito to cure malaria.

It is therefore a strategic imperative for corporates to adopt the total wellness concept sooner, rather than later.

This is the most trusted tool drive to productivity by ensuring balanced approaches to employee wellbeing.

Employees spend approximately one-third of their time in the workplace, exposed to rife intense schedules, long hours, deadlines, mental health concerns and mounting pressures.

They find themselves fluctuating between professional and personal responsibilities, leaving their health and well-being at the risk of neglect.

Employees are exposed to a lot of stresses which are never spoken about or as such remain neglected in the workplace.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), depression and anxiety cost the global economy an estimated one trillion United States dollars each year in lost productivity.

These statistics amplify the notion that indeed there is a business case for the workplace and in particular, the need to embrace total wellness approach.

The major shift towards total wellness can transform not only the employee’s life but the workplace environment.

Investing in employee well-being is not just a trend. It a holistic pursuit, a commitment and investment that fosters a healthier and more productive workforce.

Sadly, a majority of Wellness programmes are being randomly run without any strategic intent.

By way of response, organisation's need is a wellness philosophy policy, a policy and strategy.

A wellness policy is a framework that guides organisational commitment in driving the wellness agenda.

This creates an organisational routine. Further to a policy, a wellness strategy is essential as it sets out the programming, structures, implementation matrices and monitoring and evaluation framework.

In the absence of a wellness strategy, the wellness agenda becomes more of a speculation and is susceptible to manipulation by opportunists masquerading as wellness coaches or trainers. Organisations need to be more structured.

It is quite important to note that wellness is not a one size fits all.

The path to total wellness must be multifaceted, offering solutions that address the diverse needs of a workforce.

To achieve this path, organisation need to conduct a wellness baseline surveys to establish the wellness situational analysis of an organisation.

This the backbone upon which wellness strategies and programmes are anchored.

The total wellness concept helps organisations to optimise productivity in the workplace.

Creating a culture of wellness cannot succeed without leadership guidance.

Corporate leaders must be role models and an inspiration to driving the wellness agenda within the organisation, demonstrating the importance of self-care and balance.

Wellness programmes should be woven into the company’s culture and values, rather than seen as a reflection.

Future board reports must include organizational performance from the wellness front.

A good strategy will create appropriate wellness metrics to simply tracking, monitoring and evaluation.

Total wellness is not just a trend, it’s a paradigm shift on how companies view and treat employee well-being.

The path to total wellness requires effort, investment and strategy. Investing in total wellness is well worth the investment.

Investing in wellness goes far beyond the financial gains, but draws attention and adds significance to value on investment and return on investment.

The journey to total wellness requires commitment, collaboration, strategy, monitoring and evaluation to ensure total wellbeing and productivity of the workplace.

  • Ropafadzo Gloria Sibanda is the administrator at Wellness Institute of Zimbabwe. She is a specialist in wellness research (baseline surveys), policy formulation, strategic planning and training of wellness committees. Email or phone +263780585414