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US elections: Social media mocks TB Joshua over wrong prediction

SOCIAL media users in Zimbabwe and across the world have mocked Nigerian prophet TB Joshua following his inaccurate prophecy regarding the winner of the just-ended United States presidential election.

SOCIAL media users in Zimbabwe and across the world have mocked Nigerian prophet TB Joshua following his inaccurate prophecy regarding the winner of the just-ended United States presidential election.

Obey Manayiti/News24

The Synagogue Church of Nations (Scoan) founder predicted early this week that Democratic Party candidate, Hillary Clinton would win the US presidential election in a “narrow victory” against her Republican rival, Donald Trump. He made the disclosure while speaking to a packed congregation at his church on Sunday.

TB Joshua claimed that he saw it all in a vision 10 days ago.

The cleric prophesied that the female candidate would win the coveted position and shared his “vision” on his Facebook page, which is followed by over 2,5 million people.

He also, on the other hand, lauded Clinton’s outspoken opponent, Donald Trump: “I want to salute the opposition — a very strong man and courageous.”

But, yesterday morning, in a closely-contested election, Trump was declared victorious, after capturing Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold.

Voters eager to shake up the nation’s political establishment picked the celebrity businessman to become the nation’s 45th president

Trump rode an astonishing wave of support from voters seeking change and willing to accept a candidate loose with facts and accused of sexual misconduct.

He upset Clinton, who would have become the first woman to serve in the Oval Office.

Commenting on different platforms,Zimbabweans said the popular prophet should take responsibility and face the jibes for his wrong prediction.

Zimbabwe Activists Alliance co-ordinator, Lynnette Mudehwe said: “TB Joshua is not God. He is a man, who preys on the vulnerability of the poor Africans. The American election was a whole body for him to swallow and consequentially, he has been choked.

“People, not some supernatural powers, have that capacity to determine their own destinies. Zimbabweans must take a leaf from this exposed prophet that they are their own liberators. Anointed oil, stickers and hankies won’t save them.”

Higher Education minister Jonathan Moyo remarked on micro blogging site Twitter: “Crisis in America as Donald Trump wins the Presidency to become the first outsider to get inside shaming and sending liberals into hiding!”

President Robert Mugabe’s spokesperson, George Charamba said they would not rush to comment on Trump’s victory, as they wanted to study the elections before writing a congratulatory letter, as the government was not desperate to be recognised.

“Government will study what has happened and formulate a position and then write a letter to congratulate the winner,” he said, adding they had better things to do like focusing on command agriculture than the US election excitement.

He also mocked opposition parties, particularly PDP leader Tendai Biti, for backing the losing Clinton. Meanwhile, opposition parties implored Trump to immediately hit the ground running and help resolve issues affecting Zimbabwe.

“For too long, here in Zimbabwe, the people have toiled and suffered under the yoke of the brutal, intolerant and rabidly corrupt Zanu PF dictatorship. We expect Donald Trump to put the Zanu PF regime under increased pressure to reform its wayward and tyrannical ways,” MDC-T spokesperson, Obert Gutu said.

RDZ spokesperson, Pishai Muchauraya expressed hope that Trump would support democratic processes in Zimbabwe, while PDP spokesperson, Jacob Mafume implored Trump to deal with African dictators such as Mugabe.