"You don’t become and then start, you start then become” — (Jonah Nyoni’s dream)
Action is what brings your potential to the fore.
Potential is important, but its importance won’t be realised, until it is deployed (demonstrated to) for the world to benefit.
The power of now
What have you spent your time on in the last 24 hours?
What have you done in the last week, to positively progress your purpose?
What are you doing now to make your purpose manifest to the world?
Most people are waiting for “some time” to make their life work.
- Total rewards: What you need to know
- The power of action
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Some think the future will change things in their life.
Remember, at times we need to graduate from just growing old, to growing up.
Time is moving and time is not waiting for you.
For your future to change, you have to do something now.
These are small daily seeds we plant, tender, nurture and cultivate until they become something tangible and enjoyable.
Secret action
There are moments, we have to work in private and no one sees our efforts.
Work hard privately, until you are rewarded publicly.
You have to work hard in private, until you can’t be private anymore.
Work in private, until your public value is inevitable.
Lessons from ants
“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest — and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.” (Proverbs 6: 6-9, NIV)
Small actions, for big results
I know that it’s always said “think big”, but we should not forget that power still remains in mastering the power of little action steps.
Pay attention to the little things.
If we taught that to students in their studies, that would revolutionise their results.
“Losers let it happen, winners make it happen” — Denis Waitely, an American motivational speaker, writer and consultant.
Bob Proctor usually says, “Do little things, in a great way every day”. Why?
“Small things add up to big results,” as Darren Hardy states.
Small daily habits are important. Habits decide your future. This speaks to consistency.
Success is a daily game packed in small daily habits. Your ritual becomes your reality.
When you master your daily ritual, you can even beat those who are naturally intelligent or talented. Effort beats talent.
Can people pay to see you perform? What value are you offering that people can pay to see you?
Where does that start?
You move towards your dominant thoughts.
Your decisions decide your direction. Your direction determines your destiny.
Your destiny speaks to your personal impact.
What then decides your decisions?
Your belief systems, which become your paradigms, metal pictures, feelings, action, results.
Do, by not doing
At times we become by stopping some habits and replacing them with new ones.
Get to things that are valuable to you. Cut down on TV and social media.
Social Media is the Junk Food of Social Life, as professor Arthur Brooks once said.
Recognise the need to change your mental diet.
Be intentional on changing the quality of your mental food.
Increase the uptake of quality your mental food.
Seek for help from those who know better than you.
Stick around quality people, because who you stick with determines what sticks on you.
Seek to be wise — Proverbs 4: 7.
Sharpen your skill — Ecclesiastes 10: 10.
- Jonah Nyoni is an author, speaker and leadership trainer. He can be contacted on X @jonahnyoni. WhatsApp: +263 772 581 918