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Infonomics: Learning for competitiveness

Opinion & Analysis
In leadership, as you develop yourself as a leader, you grow your personal capacity to improve those around you and you in turn increase results.

TECHNOLOGY has necessitated the easy access and availability of information.

Are people wiser today? Or we just have an informational constipation?

Learning is undeniably the new currency for leadership, business and for individual effectiveness.

Things change to fast, and the rate of learning should adjust to the speed of change.

Today we are zeroing on learning for personal development.

This is more than what we learn in university or college (or what is called adaptive learning) but it goes to generative learning   learning that enhances our capacity, intuitive ability, personal skills and personal competitiveness

Learning agility

The flexibility to learn is important in our generation. The late Dutch business executive, business theorist and scenario planner Arie De Geus, rightfully pointed, “The ability to learn fast than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.”

An individual (despite the background and the circumstantial surroundings), that “integrates” and “uses” the greatest amount of information in any field soon rises to the top of that field.

In leadership, as you develop yourself as a leader, you grow your personal capacity to improve those around you and you in turn increase results.

Most problems in economic, social and political spheres can be averted and avoided if we have leaders that are willing to grow themselves first.

Learning your habits

Success is a mass collection of daily habits. Your success in life is in your daily habits. Your rituals become your reality.

It’s been said triumphant people do every day what average people do occasionally.

American brain coach, podcaster, writer and entrepreneur Jim Kwik says: “You first create your habits, then habits create you.”

The crucial thing is that these habits must be aligned to your purpose.

For example, I am an author, I can’t wake up daily and try to be a mechanic. That is a misnomer.

So work on you daily life. Remember, “your personality creates your personal reality,” says Dr Joe Dispenza, an American scientist, teacher, lecturer and author.

Learning times

Times change swiftly, and those that don’t want to change will be overtaken by streams of events.

Remember, an old skill, is worthless in new situations. Learning becomes a game changer and a transitional empowerment. Keep track of developments, especially in technology.

Don’t hold on to obsolete competencies and systems- simply change.

As winds of change are constantly blowing, American systems scientist who is a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Peter Senge, in the book The 5th Discipline says learning should take place in systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, building your vision and team dynamics.

Learning the art of enjoyment

Life can be fully enjoyed when you are walking in your true purpose.

Most people make a mistake of choosing a degree, before they know their purpose.

First know what you are meant for or what you are wired to do and then choose a degree that will best sharpen your distinctive capabilities.

Learning synergies

The level of your success is determined also by the type of people that contribute in your life.

These include mentors, advisor, coach, and counsellors. Who you stick with, determines what sticks on you.

Learning competences

There are hard skills   what we learn at school, and soft skills   what life teaches us.

For example, some important skills in this life include emotional intelligence, negotiating and selling.

These we are not essentially taught at school, but they immensely contribute to our personal success.

I have seen intelligent beings who are broke, and less intelligent guys who are rich.

What’s the difference? Probably the rich guys have great emotional intelligence   people skills.

Learning influence

Success is not enough, you must be significant. What is that? This is the ability to influence other people to be great.

Yes, you might have money and material worth, but are you touching lives? Endeavour to be a leader in your craft.

If you embrace the above and more, it is possible to live a positive mark on this globe.

Jonah Nyoni is an author, speaker, and leadership trainer. He can be contacted on X @jonahnyoni. WhatsApp: +263 772 581 918

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