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Your governance does not spring from the will of the people

Opinion & Analysis
President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

GOOD day, President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Your Excellency, as I see it, your governance does not spring from the will of the people.

It does not conduct national affairs with honour, in a manner that preserves national unity on one hand, and prevents disunity on the other.

Verily, citizenry is undergoing severe deprivation and impoverishment as a result of the pursuit of policies and practices that do not safeguard the will of the people.

Consequently, the quality of life of citizenry has fallen to penury level. It has degenerated to being a grind.

It is a struggle to get by from one day to the next. Apparently, access to and affordability of public service provisions such as health, transport and housing is becoming difficult by the day.

Citizenry is groping at the base of the pyramid of Maslow’s hierarchy of basic physiological needs.

It is a burden for citizenry to secure necessities given that Zimbabwe is not governed by the immutable principles of accountability and equitability, neither is it by transparency.

Their quest for human dignity cannot be inspired by such empty prattle as Vision 2030.

Multitudes are squatters in undesignated residential areas that were allocated by uncouth land barons.

I reckon the promise of regularisation of their haphazardly demarcated residential stands and issuance of title deeds is all but a forlorn and distant pipe dream.

Their living conditions are absolute hell on earth. They have no basic provisions like roads, sewerage system and clean water. They are at the mercy of cholera and typhoid.

Granted, Zimbabwe is a things fall apart country. It is not governed by principles of reason.

Consequently, the riches and honour of the minority ruling elite and their cronies are a shame.

Your Excellency, the recent appointment of the self-imposed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu to the position of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader of the opposition in Parliament is an assault on the will of the people.

Little wonder, it has caused a furore from the rank and file of the bona fide opposition members and faithful as well.

Their aspirations are dying underfoot the tyranny of the ruling elite whose rulership is not for the people and does not spring from the will of the people.

Described aptly as a fraud and a Zanu PF puppet, Tshabangu is well and truly Judas.

His appointment as leader of the opposition in Parliament is contingent upon your apparently devious strategy to secure an unconstitutional third term, thereby trespassing the will of the people.

An enraged former CCC parliamentarian, Fadzayi Mahere outpoured righteous indignation, equating his appointment to the decimation of Parliament.

“This fraud on the will of the people lies at the heart of my decision to resign from the farce that is Zimbabwe’s Parliament as currently configurated. This tragic outcome was foreseeable to any person paying attention,” she remonstrated.

She said Tshabangu was a Zanu PF puppet whose formation is a Zanu PF construct, created to do its bidding.

He was never the leader of CCC nor did he hold any office that would make him remotely capable of making decisions for members. He has no values, honour or mandate from the membership.

Granted, respect for the will of the people was already in the intensive care unit long before Tshabangu embarked on the unorthodox recalls of duly elected opposition parliamentarians and councillors.

Indeed, the grand scheme to paralyse the opposition, which included the electoral chicanery that unfolded during the preparation processes of the harmonised elections, was in place awaiting to be executed by him.

His role was already predetermined. Verily, there was more to the recalls by Tshabangu and the subsequent by-elections than meets the eye.

Methinks the recalls did not originate from his independent thought processes.

Given the disenfranchisement of the opposition members whose votes he annulled subsequent to the recalls, it is highly likely that Tshabangu was duplicitous. He rendered the Judas kiss.

Your Excellency, no right thinking acting secretary-general would ever single-handedly go on the rampage, expunging his fellow party members from their elected public offices as he did.

It is my deduction that the recalls could only have be effected by a betrayer who traded his soul for a seat on the high table with the ruling elite.

It is small wonder that, despite the appeals by the opposition party leadership that the said acting secretary-general was self appointed and had no authority to make such far-reaching decisions, government nonetheless heeded him. It hit the ground running to effect the recalls.

As Tshabangu unleashed the recalls, the forbid of your counterpart, the Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, “You cannot be in power and lose an election,” sprang to mind.

Verily, the will of the people counts for nothing in your governance.

There is merit in the assertion by Mahere that Zimbabwe is now a one-party State. From where I stand, democracy is not prevailing, even remotely.

There is no room whatsoever for consideration and respect for the will of the people. Zimbabwe is under a deeply rooted minority rulership.

Apparently, the ruling elite is determined to trample upon the will of the people at will.

It is self evident that the governance principles you adhere to are for the furtherance of the dictatorial ideals of the ruling elite.

It is noticeable, from whichever aspect of human endeavour one might observe, that they do not stand by the people, and neither are they for the people.

Methinks the elevation of Tshabangu in Parliament is the gratuity you owe him for the majority Zanu PF now enjoys in Parliament.

Your Excellency, if you ask me, your governance does not spring from the will of the people.

Verily, citizenry cannot declare as did the late American lawyer, politician and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865, Abraham Lincoln, that democracy is government of the people, for the people, by the people.

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