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The calculated leap

Opinion & Analysis
Psychologically, risk-taking is influenced by innumerable factors: From personality traits and past experiences to cognitive biases and societal pressures.

IN the grand tapestry of life, each thread represents a decision, chance and a leap into the unknown. Risk-taking is an integral part of the human experience, a necessary component for growth and self-discovery. However, some people shun risk-talking because they fear failing. They would rather tread in the know. At times it is necessary to dream and do big. What is the fun of life if it remains mundane and predictable? This article delves into the concept of risk-taking as an individual and its profound impact on personal success.

What is risk-taking?

Risk-taking can be described as the act of undertaking an endeavour where the outcome is uncertain and involves exposure to potential loss or danger. In other terms, risk-taking is playing into the unknown or trying new or even bigger things in order to reach a higher goal or bigger results. Risk-taking is a fundamental aspect of human behaviour that drives innovation, progress and both corporate and personal change. Yet, it is not about reckless abandon; it is about calculated choices that push us beyond our comfort zones. There is a need to move beyond our comfort zones.

The psychology of risk

Psychologically, risk-taking is influenced by innumerable factors: From personality traits and past experiences to cognitive biases and societal pressures. Some individuals are naturally more inclined to take risks, driven by a desire for adventure or a need for achievement. Others may approach risk with trepidation, weighed down by the fear of failure or negative consequences. Fear paralyses and suppresses a lot of things, including innovation. The moment your heart beats faster and harder might be a sign of fear. What do you do? Someone once said we must learn to fuel our fear with faith.

Risk-taking and personal development

Personal development is an ongoing process of self-improvement where taking risks plays a pivotal role. It is through the act of facing uncertainties that individuals learn resilience, adaptability and the courage to confront new challenges. Risks can lead to new opportunities, learning experiences and the potential for significant personal rewards.

The Johari Window

One personal development model in coaching that aligns with risk-taking is the Johari Window. This model was developed by two psychologists namely Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham. The model is an ideal tool for understanding and improving self-awareness, interpersonal relationships and group dynamics. It consists of four parts (or windows):

  • Open area: Known to oneself and others; represents shared knowledge.
  • Blind area: Known to others but not to oneself; highlights blind spots.
  • Hidden area: Known to oneself but hidden from others; contains concealed feelings and information.
  • Unknown area: This is unknown to both oneself and others and represents undiscovered potential and latent abilities.

Taking risks often involves expanding the open area by revealing parts of the hidden area or exploring the unknown area. It is a process of self-disclosure and discovery that can lead to profound personal insights and growth.

Embracing risk for self-actualisation

At the heart of risk-taking is the pursuit of self-actualisation—the realisation of one’s full potential. It is about striving for peak experiences and personal mastery. By taking risks, individuals challenge their limits, explore new possibilities and ultimately shape their destinies.

Parting point: Risk-taking is not merely a choice, but a necessity for those who seek to evolve and thrive. It is a dance with the unknown, a step towards the future. As individuals, embracing risk is embracing growth and with each calculated leap, we weave a richer and more vibrant story of who we are and who we aspire to be.

  • Jonah Nyoni is an author, speaker, and leadership trainer. He can be contacted on X @jonahnyoni. WhatsApp: +263 772 581 918

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