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Our education is like a well-crafted ponzi scheme

Opinion & Analysis

IN our country, education is often viewed as the ultimate pathway to success and wealth accumulation. From an early age, we are told that studying hard and obtaining a degree will open doors to a prosperous future. However, the stark reality is that our education system, too often, gives false hope to the poor and perpetuating a cycle of poverty rather than breaking it.

Consider this analogy: Imagine a person promising to invest your hard-earned US$100, assuring you that they will magically turn it into US$1 000 within a week. This scheme, known as a ponzi scheme, entices individuals with the lure of quick and effortless wealth creation. It preys on the desperate hope that by simply investing a small sum, one can suddenly escape the clutches of poverty.

Similarly, our education system can be seen as a well-crafted ponzi scheme. It promises a brighter future and socio-economic mobility to those who diligently pursue their studies. However, for many, reality paints a different picture.

The education system, as it stands, is inherently flawed and biased. It perpetuates socio-economic disparities and entrenches existing inequalities. The poor, who often lack access to quality education and resources, are placed at a tremendous disadvantage from the beginning. While they are made to believe that education can be their golden ticket to financial stability, the system fails to address the root causes of poverty and limited opportunities.

Like the deceptive promises of the ponzi scheme, the false hope of education as a means of wealth creation leads individuals into a cycle of perpetual disillusionment. Students invest their time, effort and often their meager resources into an educational system that does not equip them with the tools necessary for true economic empowerment. Instead, they graduate into a world that is unable to absorb them into gainful employment, leaving them with debt and dashed dreams.

This is not to say that education is entirely without merit. Education is undoubtedly crucial in fostering critical thinking, expanding knowledge and nurturing personal growth. However, the flaw lies in the expectation that it alone can uplift the poor and bridge the vast economic divides that persist in our society.

To truly break the cycle of poverty, our education system must undergo a comprehensive transformation. Genuine reform should encompass an equitable distribution of resources, ensuring that all students, regardless of socio-economic background, have access to quality education. Moreover, education should be holistic, focusing not only on academic knowledge, but also on real-world skills and practical applications.

Additionally, society must address the systemic barriers that hinder social mobility. We need to dismantle the unequal structures that perpetuate poverty and create a system that offers opportunities to the marginalised, ensuring that education indeed becomes a vehicle for upward mobility.

While education remains an essential aspect of personal development our current system’s promise of wealth creation for the poor are reminiscent of a ponzi scheme. It offers false hope, perpetuating a cycle of poverty rather than breaking it. True reform is needed, where education is no longer designed to trap the poor in an illusion of prosperity, but rather serves as a catalyst for equitable opportunities and sustainable socio-economic transformation. Only then can we dismantle the intricate webs of inequality and pave the way for a genuinely inclusive society. -Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo

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