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Talking to your teen about weight

Opinion & Analysis
Someone might stigmatise another person based on their weight due to the assumption that the person’s weight is due to laziness, lack of willpower, or non-compliance with diet and exercise suggestions.

WEIGHT stigma is treating or perceiving a person in a negative way because of their weight, body shape or size. It can be experienced by people of any age or gender in a variety of settings such as at school, home, work and healthcare offices and can be demonstrated by peers, teachers, family members, healthcare providers or others.

Someone might stigmatise another person based on their weight due to the assumption that the person’s weight is due to laziness, lack of willpower, or non-compliance with diet and exercise suggestions. Being judged based on weight and body size has harmful effects on physical and mental health and can lead to development of poor body image, disordered eating behaviours, and other harmful outcomes such as avoiding school or the doctor’s office.

Why is weight stigma important when it comes to teens?

Adolescents are at a high risk of experiencing weight stigma or teasing and its negative effects. It is normal for teens to gain weight during puberty, so the teenage years may be the first time teens become aware or concerned about their weight.

In addition, teens are especially susceptible to peer and media influences, which can further contribute to weight stigma. Media sources such as TV, websites and phone applications often depict an “ideal” body that is not realistic and portray people living in larger bodies as “wrong” in some way.

There are even weight loss applications, sites and products geared towards children providing the message that weight loss is something they should strive for; weight loss for most adolescents is inappropriate as they are still growing.

Scientific research shows that teens who think their weight is too high have fewer healthy behaviours such as healthy eating and physical activity. Teens who feel they are overweight are more likely to diet than those who think their weight is right for them; they often adopt extreme measures such as skipping meals or fasting, behaviours that are typically not sustainable and can lead to overeating and further weight gain over time.

Weight stigma can lead to a cycle of disordered eating and poor body image. These negative health behaviours often continue into adulthood and beyond.

Should I talk to my teen about their weight if I am concerned?

Ask yourself why you want to talk to your teen about their weight in the first place. Is it because you are concerned about their health?

Just as weight is affected by much more than just calories and exercise, health is affected by much more than just weight. Try to take weight out of the equation altogether. Instead, focus on health issues that pose either current or future risk and behaviours that can mitigate them. For example, if your child’s doctor has told you that they are at risk of developing diabetes, you can have a conversation about behaviour changes that can help prevent diabetes such as eating healthier foods, decreasing portion sizes and being physically active.

Genetics, hormones and growth all play a role in how much one weighs, which means people don’t have as much control over weight as they might think. One thing you can control is the way that you speak to your child regarding weight.

The language parents use when communicating with teens about weight can have a lasting effect on their mental and physical health and on their relationship with food. Studies have shown that when families communicate the need for healthy behaviours to improve overall health rather than to change weight, kids have better outcomes.

How can I talk to my teen about weight without causing harm?

Try to keep weight, shape and size out of the conversation, whether positive or negative commentary. Applauding a teen for losing weight can be just as harmful as chastising a teen for gaining weight. Avoid associating your teen’s weight or eating habits with personality traits and celebrate their strengths regardless of body size.

If you want to empower your teen to be healthier, emphasise health, not appearance. Also, try to set a positive example. Do not limit any foods or food groups from your own intake (unless you have an allergy or intolerance) or follow a “fad diet”. This helps to promote a positive food environment. Research shows that going on a ‘diet’ not only does not work for weight loss, often causing weight to actually increase over time, but is also harmful to a person’s mental health. — youngmenshealth


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