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Our conscience is clear

Opinion & Analysis
If the Gospel of Christ, that is, the Grace of God, does not reach you, you will always be confessing sins and never receive forgiveness.

BORN-AGAIN believers should cherish wisdom and knowledge so that they enjoy the full benefits of salvation. Full assurance and conviction of redemption propels believers to victorious Christian living. The appreciation and comprehension of our innocence is a foundational pillar for the faith. We need full persuasion in Christ beyond any strand of doubt.

If the Gospel of Christ, that is, the Grace of God, does not reach you, you will always be confessing sins and never receive forgiveness.

We are saved by confessing Jesus as Lord and Saviour, not by confessing sin. In Christ, where the believer is, there is no reproach. This is your heritage, dear saint.

“Blessed and happy and to be envied are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered up and completely buried,” Romans 4: amplifies. Please enjoy this rest, assurance and confidence wrought by the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Our conscience, springing out of a regenerated heart and renewed mind, should be free from guilt.

We should know that once saved, God will remember our sins no more, now and forever. Minds without this knowledge are weak and easily manipulated by the devil.

The devil will parade before your eyes your abortions and baby dumping should someone sincerely propose marriage.

It will be written on your face and the gentleman gets scared. God will be saying: “Jesus took care of it,” and the devil will whisper behind you, over your shoulder saying: “Are you sure?”

Dear believer, learn to hear the voice of God. Do not listen to the devil, the father of lies.

Satan demands self-effort, but God expects you to believe in Jesus for the redemption of sins. The new covenant released us from bondage of sin through the sacrifice of Jesus.

We are no longer servants to the old covenant, but children under the new covenant.

Galatians 4:4-5 clarifies: “[4] But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, [5] To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.”

The fullness of time came and Jesus ably freed us. We are children of God. This means that we are family and not servants or slaves at worst.

Children enjoy juice from the refrigerator without apology. During school holidays, pantries will quickly get empty and if you are a parent with a child or children at school, you are really planning and budgeting for this.

A sigh of relief comes after schools reopen. As they say, all things being equal, you will not punish your children by asking them to sleep in the dog’s kennel for wiping out a concentrated two-litre drink in less than a week.

Jesus then rhetorically asks in Matthew 7:11: “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You are different from the audience Jesus was speaking to here. Good things are your portion.

We do not carry a guilt conscience. Believers’ conscience should be clear. Fear has no basis to traumatise you. We receive and enjoy the love, tenderness and comfort of God our Father.

The Spirit in us gives us freedom and liberty. Romans 8:15 teaches: “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Our natural default or predisposition is success, not failure. We are pardoned whether we feel so or not. Satan wants to wreck your enjoyment of divine forgiveness.

In full understanding, believers go out in the morning looking for a job, tender or contract and return celebrating. Victory is in our conscience.

We sit for examinations fully persuaded of a pass mark. Our conscience does not entertain thoughts of tragedy, disaster and accidents. Even in marriage, we are not always afraid of divorce. We enjoy life.

We did not earn the grace of God on merit. It is unearned, undeserved, unmerited and humanly unattainable.

Under the old covenant, animal sacrifice would cover people’s sins in God’s eyes. Under the new covenant, the blood of Jesus does not only clear us before God, but clears our conscience as well. Hebrews 9:14 declares: “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”

Our conscience is clear and we approach God’s throne not as beggars, but as children. Our attitude to life emanates from this knowledge and we apply ourselves with sincerity to honour and worship God. We are not running away from the devil, but we ran to Jesus and His life in us is bearing fruit. As temptation knocks on us, we see ourselves overcoming.

We signed up for the invitation in Hebrews 10:22: “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.” We are not intimidated and manipulated. Our conscience is clear.

Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Grace and peace be multiplied to you through knowledge.

  • All Bible quotations are from the King James Version unless otherwise stated.
  •  Fellowship with Pastor Makarimayi on Facebook and on www.twitter.com/PEMAKARIMAYI. 

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