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Finding common purpose will fuel a beautiful revolution

Opinion & Analysis
We are one people with only one place we call home — Zimbabwe. If we all wake up each morning challenging ourselves to bring out our best wherever we are, Zimbabwe would win and we also would win at a personal level.

WE have a lot that we disagree on as a nation. We also have a penchant for spending our time amplifying our disagreements rather than what we agree on.In the cacophony of our disagreements during which we have labelled each other sworn enemies, we might have forgotten the important issues which bind us.

Unfortunately, the things we focus on — positive or negative — are the ones that grow.I suggest that 2024 be the year we discover our common purpose. But what does that even look like?

My go-to scripture for what should guide our path to finding our common purpose is Philippians 4:8: “Fix your thoughts on what is true and honourable, and right. Think about things that are pure and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (NLT) And then go beyond thinking about these things and conduct yourself in a manner that nurtures all these attributes.

We are one people with only one place we call home — Zimbabwe. If we all wake up each morning challenging ourselves to bring out our best wherever we are, Zimbabwe would win and we also would win at a personal level. 

If we gave the best of ourselves in all our endeavours, we would have a positive ambiance and impact on our environment.

If you are a cleaner, give it your best everyday. Imagine what would happen if everybody, including teachers, the police, politicians, drivers, nurses, doctors, pastors and journalists gave their all each day in spite of all the hurdles they face? Productivity would increase and the quality thereof would improve.

All sectors of the economy would grow and our happiness index would improve in sympathy with our improved circumstances.

One of the key pillars for achieving a common purpose and the common good is “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you”. 

Altruism, as opposed to selfishness, is a value that we must summon in all our daily pursuits.

Be considerate to others, especially on our roads. Stop littering so we always have a clean environment and beautiful spaces. This all sounds very simple and would cause a beautiful revolution on our shores if practised to the letter. 

Simple and beautiful things done on a broad and sustained scale have the capacity to completely transform our society.

Each of us matters in this beautiful revolution anchored on ancient values of love, virtue, honour, selflessness, courage and humility. 

Courage is important to move us from hate to love, and from greed to generosity.

We currently exist surrounded by strong evidence of what hate, greed, arrogance, selfishness and fear can produce. 

Ethical leadership focused on the achievement of the basic common good for the majority, particularly the poor and marginalised, would transform this nation.

Values-driven leadership intent on building inclusive national institutions through broad-based participation would yield a handsome and sustainable dividend.

Imagine the transformative power of a leadership that goes to bed meditating on this: “What is the one thing I will do tomorrow to better the lives of Zimbabweans?”

The achievement of all the above should not pose a threat to anybody at all. The more we belong, are secure and content, the more settled our collective security.

It must be abundantly clear by now that our fixation with narrow and selfish victories is the guarantor of our mutual destruction and extended collective wound-licking. 

We have a common heritage and common destiny that must cause us to put aside what divides us. 

We cannot attain common prosperity when we are so heavily invested in negative energy and self-harm. 

We are so focused on pulling each other down and apart, rather than pulling together.

Zimbabwe’s prosperity depends on all of us. There is no single individual or political party or leader who has the capacity to rescue us from our current desperate situation.

  •  Trevor Ncube is chairman of Alpha Media Holdings and host of ICWT

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