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Qasem Soleimani’s legacy lives on

Opinion & Analysis

With the entry of the United States into West Asia, the region had undergone a fundamental crisis for more than two decades. 

In the last two decades, the US and its allies have tried to eliminate the leaders who sought stability, security, and convergence in the region. Martyr Soleimani was also assassinated because he had a strategic role in establishing stability and security in the West Asian region that could be the cornerstone of the decline of American hegemony. 

In fact, Haj Qasim’s contribution to stability and security, which is against America’s interests in the region, began the process of America’s decline and its strategy of creating new global alliances.

Presently, one of the most important issues in international relations during the two decades that have passed since the 21st century is the issue of the "transition period" and political analysts of international relations believe that the big powers of the last century have lost their credibility, and that is the reason that big powers have focused their attention on West Asia or the Middle East. 

Due to the American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, West Asia was involved in a series of unwanted developments and serious crisis emerged in the region, which ultimately led to the uprising of Arab and Islamic awakening called the "Arab Spring" in this region and North Africa the region underwent a transformation, which prompted the United States to design and adopt a new policy. 

The arrival of proxy forces led to the emergence of proxy wars and the creation of a crisis in the region by the Americans, and the puzzle was completed with the help of the Zionist regime and some countries in the region. Meanwhile, having a correct understanding of the new conditions and a comprehensive knowledge of the will of the Muslims in the region against the American policy and the Zionist regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran began to take certain actions in which General Qasem Soleimani had a very significant role.

The Role of Martyr Soleimani in Establishing Security in the Region and the World

As mentioned earlier the West Asian region was subjected to proxy war and extremist moves over the past two decades, the continuation of which would seriously affect the dynamism and vitality of this region. However, very intelligently, Martyr Soleimani began a process of cohesion and unity among the nations of the region, activated the resistance axes, mobilized the potential forces, and created a new management system of affairs that eventually resulted in the US’s defeat in this region.General Soleimani, on the one hand, gave importance to the internal dynamics of the countries, strengthened the spirit of independence in West Asia, and, on the other hand, approached countries like Russia and China, which were against creating a crisis in the region and involved them in the game through and in this way he was able to draw a new management system against the proxy plans of the Americans. In other words, by linking the dynamism and power of some countries, he strengthened "stability and order in West Asia" and it can, thus, be acknowledged that General Soleimani had the biggest role in the project of regional and global security.

Fostering Integration and Convergence in Resistance

Due to the fact that General Soleimani had perceived the strategy of the Americans and the Zionist regime and knew in which direction they were moving, he designed and implemented effective countermeasures policies, and for this reason, he received the attention of the media and became a symbol of integration and convergence of resistance against American policies in West Asia. This achievement was rooted in his heartfelt faith, great experience, and the belief that Islamic countries themselves can achieve success in terms of security and stability. In fact, this was one of the legacies of General Soleimani for the countries that seek freedom and independence.

Creating Orderliness and Stability

One of the legacies of General Soleimani for the countries of the region was orderliness and stability. By having a correct understanding of the existing conditions, General Soleimani was able to identify such forerunners in the region who would adhere to these values like General Soleimani and continue the path of resistance even after his martyrdom.

The Spread of Martyr Soleimani’s School of Thought in the World

In its traditional approach, the United States of America has always sought to remove the leaders who oppose its policies and by assassinating Martyr Soleimani, it showed that it still follows its old tradition and seeks to physically remove influential people in the region and the world. However, due to the emergence of virtual space, the effect of this approach is not the same as before and that is the reason that Martyr Soleimani’s school of thought has spread in many parts of the world.

General Soleimani and International Security

One of the measures taken by Martyr Soleimani for international security was the formation of a new alliance between some big powers and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The international and global security during the transition period required reorganizing power at the international level, which was correctly formed by General Soleimani through the alliance with Russia and China with the aim of protecting the common interests of the East. Unlike the 20th century, when the Western view was dominant, now it is so well known that the international view of the 21st century has changed drastically, and one of these influential and important elements - who played a prominent role in this change - was Martyr Soleimani, who through ingenuity and experience was able to combine align two countries with the veto power in the Security Council with the interests of countries opposed to the presence of the United States and the Zionist regime in the region.

The Central Role of General Soleimani in the Decline of America’s Influence

The world is undoubtedly witnessing the decline of America’s influence on the international system and this is the reality that was formed due to the efforts of General Soleimani. The charismatic authority of Martyr Soleimani led to a new alliance of Eastern power against the West, and the decline of America’s influence, too, contributed to it. 

Dr. Mohsen Eslami is an Associate Professor of International Relations, Tarbiat Modares University

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