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The variety of God’s choices

Opinion & Analysis
All things being equal, the set system will yield desired results. However, life teaches that planning may fail after scheming falls apart. With all due care and diligence in executing a plan, things can still fall off track. After all testing has been done in the laboratory and trials run, the unforeseen can still happen.

FARSIGHTEDNESS with concomitant prescient planning helps one realise their goals through a predetermined route.

All things being equal, the set system will yield desired results. However, life teaches that planning may fail after scheming falls apart. With all due care and diligence in executing a plan, things can still fall off track. After all testing has been done in the laboratory and trials run, the unforeseen can still happen.

Supported by intense prayer, fasting or so called sowing/seeding, decrees and declarations, the intended result can still elude. When such an eventuality happens, there should be enough will strength and determination to see the journey to the end. The problem is not falling off orbit, but throwing in the towel because of failure of a long mooted plan. When the unexpected happens, embrace the unexpected to get expected results.

Those who have walked with God the Father for a considerable period know that with God it counts more to head towards the right direction than to worry about the mode of transport used. It may not be so much important as the quality of the place where Jesus would be born, but that a Messiah and Saviour was born into the world. A manger was thus sufficient to accomplish the purpose.

The Gospel may, therefore, not be transmitted in the best of the ways, but still reaches the uttermost parts of the world.

This, of course is not a coercion to settle for mediocrity, but to accept the means God chooses. While you enjoy the means and method, lose not your focus on the destination. On a balance of scale, traveling on economy and arriving is better and carries more value than travelling on first class and not arrive.

Sometimes we so much focus on a preferred mode, while God is concerned about you and His purpose. The Bible, in the book of Acts, records the story of Apostle Paul shipwrecked on sail to Rome. Although the ship was destroyed, he and others in the ship reached their destination. Part of the story reads in Acts 27:21-22,44: "[21] But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss. [22] And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: For there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship. [44] And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land."

The mode of transport was destroyed, but not the journey. The eye of the Lord is always upon you to accomplish your dream. However, meticulously you can structure your life, you can miss your wish. Always leave room to get to the destination through a detour. Do not cry over a blocked familiar way, but celebrate the variety of God's choices.

Eyes may be so much fixed on a certain route without flexibility for progressive change. It is good to be focused and determined and observe principles along the way, but life may require you to change course and still head for the same destination.

You may miss out on your desired school, college and university, but still get your doctorate. Some have naively surrendered and given up their destinies because they could not get what they prayed and fasted for years. You do not have to be stiff necked.

Flexibility allows sailing on the voyage of life joyfully. Being open to new and alternative ways should not be an excuse to aimless stroll in life. Go out there with your blueprint, but do not let it be your undoing.

It is always tempting to park the vehicle of your life if your dreams are shattered. Failure of plan A is not a signal to abandon life. You never know, the real deal may be in plan B. You may not afford your preferred dish, get the nutrients in an affordable one. The principle of not accepting no for an answer is good, but do not let it deprive you of the waiting reward. I subscribe to excellence, but I do not sacrifice my prize for perfectionism. The merciful, gracious and forgiving God always avails a second chance.

When mankind fell in the Garden of Eden, God provided for reunification through Jesus. He did not close the door forever because mankind had betrayed Him on His original intent. Are you stuck because what you wanted did not work?

The way may be blocked, but the destination is open. Look around and opt for the yawning wide open second door.

Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Grace and peace be multiplied to you through knowledge.

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