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Letters: Nation should condemn abduction of citizens

Opinion & Analysis
This is a very sad chapter in the history of Zimbabwe where the citizens are leaving in fear of their own security personnel.

THE ongoing  abduction of innocent citizens by suspected members of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) is now alarming and denting the already battered image of the country.

If the abductors are, indeed, members of the  internal branch  of the CIO, then there is an urgent need for sweeping changes or complete overhaul of the CIO leadership unless if the Office of the President and Cabinet issues a convincing statement to justify the  abductions.

The arbitrary abductions have to a larger extent exposed  the entire intelligence system in Zimbabwe which in my view should be held in high esteem.

This is a very sad chapter in the history of Zimbabwe where the citizens are leaving in fear of their own security personnel.

Mr President sir,we are feeling insecure in an environment where our security agents are caught on the wrong side of the law.

Our lives are not in safe hands Mr President sir and failure to fire unprofessional operatives will continue to compromise the security of the State.

It is my sincere appeal to President Emmerson Mnangagwa to stop the brutal attack on citizens unless if it is part of the government’s vision 2030.

Stop the unprofessional brutal attacks on citizens now.

The Southern African Development Community should reprimand the Zimbabwe leadership if it is to restore sanity and build an inclusive Zimbabwe.

It is now clear that Zimbabwe is going through an era of State-sponsored abductions when considering the video evidence in the Takudzwa Ngadziore kidnap drama.

The country is leaving in fear and the presidium should quickly act on these serious human rights violations. We are now gravely concerned with the injection of  unknown substances into the victims' bodies by the  abductors. - Kurauone Chihwayi

Let’s stop this nonsense

THE recall of Harare mayor Ian Makone and his deputy Kudzai Kadzombe has clearly nothing to do with addressing any concerns about Shona hegemony in Bulawayo. It is obviously designed to disrupt the work to stabilise Harare. I hope that all democrats will realise that this is a Zanu PF project. I unequivocally condemn this latest illegal and unconstitutional act.

Zanu PF needs to have a period of deep introspection regarding this immaturity. No one believes that this is primarily about internal issues within the Citizens Coalition for Change party. It is a deliberate ploy to disrupt the CCC’s  administration of cities as we attempt to tackle major problems facing all cities. Zanu PF appears to think that it simply cannot afford to allow the CCC to turn our cities around as that will seriously damage their political prospects in future.

We need to stop this nonsense as a nation and get on with the task of restoring our cities and towns. - David Coltart

Zim opposition will always be useless

ZIMBABWE’S opposition parties will always be useless as long as those folks believe that their only purpose is to remove Zanu PF from power.

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa actually achieved something big by winning more than 100 seats in Parliament, but he is so dumb that his achievement will come to nothing. He will lose what he won because of political immaturity.

By now, he should have taken his position as the leader of the opposition in Parliament, outlined his party agenda in the next five years and appointed a shadow cabinet.

But because he thinks he is a failure after losing the presidential election, he is all over the place trying to convince everyone that he won and will soon take over power.

Since this is an impossibility, he is now losing the trust of those who like him. His fellow comrades are also seeing the foolishness of his thinking and have started a process to dislodge him from his position.

There can’t be two ruling parties, we need an opposition but the Zimbabwean opposition is busy pretending to be the ruling party.

But nature has a way of eliminating the dumb. Chamisa’s end will be so dramatic that he will be a dot in the history of this country.

Tsvangirai was wise enough to pull back from the toxic politics and died with a respectable political title.

That won’t happen to Chamisa because he has gone too far in creating intolerance from within his party and from external rivals.

The forces that want him to fail are too strong for him to cope with. - Kudzai Mutisi

KPCS, 12 years without benefiting

THE Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) imposes extensive requirements  on its members to enable them to certify shipments of rough diamonds as ‘conflict-free’ and prevent conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade.

Under the terms of the KPCS, participating states must meet ‘minimum requirements’ and put in place national legislation and institutions; export, import and internal controls; and also commit to transparency and the exchange of statistical data.

Diamonds from Marange do not deserve certification by KP as the  mining companies are failing to meet the minimum requirements.

On the issue of transparency, no one is aware of how much diamonds have been mined so far, how many were auctioned, how much revenue was and is remitted to Treasury.

Everything is so secretive and this clearly violates the dictates of KP certification.

There is serious evidence of reluctance by the government and mining companies to avoid accountability.

There is a meeting being held in Victoria Falls to discuss about exploration of Marange diamonds.

Unfortunately, everything that was presented by community representatives who are in attendance is all lies.

This means KPC is trusting thieves , corrupt leaders to continue looting the diamonds.

We recommend KPC to come on the ground and meet ordinary members of the community and ask them if they are happy  in any way. - Fungai Nhaitai

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