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Blame Zanu PF for causing sanctions

Opinion & Analysis

IT IS great to hear that so many countries are supporting us in the drive to have sanctions removed.  But at the same time these countries and organisations don’t appear to be putting any blame on the party that gave rise to those sanctions in the first place. The sanctions were imposed to try to encourage Zanu PF to uphold the tenets of democracy and to stop election violence and human rights abuses.  This was after the observer missions from the West were denied permission to observe elections over 20 years ago and the election violence that ensued. It had nothing to do with the farm invasions as Zanu PF keeps claiming,

Surely it would not be asking too much for Zanu PF to stop its election violence and reign in supporters perpetuating this. They should be showing the world that they will allow a level playing field for all political parties. They should allow the police and courts to prosecute all perpetrators of violence irrespective of their political affiliation. They should be allowing CCC to hold rallies without being barred by the police and\or violent youth brigades. They should end abductions and all other forms of human rights abuse. The list goes on and on ad infinitum. We have not seen any serious action from the President to stop his party members from using terrorist tactics to allow citizens freedom of movement or being allowed to hold divergent political views. In fact, terror of opposing Zanu PF is once again endemic in the lead-up to the 2023 elections. And the President and his party chefs seem to be leading the onslaught with their utterances against all and sundry. His calls for peace are not observed by Zanu PF thugs and believed by the citizens as a whole. The International community is not stupid and has no reason to believe him either. For years, Sadc, the African Union and United Nations have ignored the plight of the terrorised citizens and pleas to intervene to arrest the Zanu PF violence and allow us to have peaceful, free and fair elections.- A Mbire

Power crisis here to stay

LOOKING at the Kariba Dam water levels it seems that there will be no end to the crisis.  In fact it is set to worsen unless Hwange comes up to full speed next month. The Zambezi River Authority graphs show a trend that unless we stop drawing from Kariba almost immediately, the dam will run out of water for power generation end of November or early December with no inflow until January at the earliest, but could be March next year!

Even if Hwange can provide 100% power generation, there will be no back-up for the perennial breakdowns we have come to live with.  A bleak period lies ahead.- A McCormick

Chinese embassy response to ZCTU statement

THE Chinese embassy in Zimbabwe has noted the Press release by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) on October 25. However it looks rather like a lame judgment in which there are only groundless accusations without any supporting facts and detailed information. The embassy rejects such a frivolous, irresponsible and unpersuasive statement.

It is an undeniable fact that Chinese investors have created over 100 000 jobs in Zimbabwe. Recently, Chinese enterprises successfully held two job fairs for the local job seekers, and both the number of applicants and the signing rate far exceeded expectations. These are the most convincing votes of confidence that the Zimbabwean people have cast on Chinese investments.

The vast majority of Chinese companies in Zimbabwe have been operating their business in line with Zimbabwe’s laws and policies while earnestly implementing their social responsibilities and are thus welcomed by the overwhelming majority of Zimbabwean people. The Chinese embassy has been supporting the Zimbabwean government to promote the supervision on all foreign investments in accordance with the law and the principle of equality, openness and transparency.

It is the embassy’s consistent position that disputes involving enterprises should be addressed through legal channels rather than self-righteous moral trials by a few organisations.

As a labour organisation, the ZCTU should have been committed to protecting workers' legitimate interests and rights. For more than two decades, the illegal and unilateral sanctions have been hindering Zimbabwe’s international trade and financial co-operation. Zimbabwe’s daily international transactions have been subject to over review, long delay, inexplicable rejection and even withholding. Zimbabwe’s enterprises and financial agencies have been plunged into unimaginable predicaments or even mass bankruptcy. The illegal and unilateral sanctions have led to a large number of unemployment in Zimbabwe, depriving Zimbabwean workers of their right to work and survival. Unfortunately the ZCTU selectively turns a blind eye to such a challenge which it should be most concerned about. It should explain who pressuring it to do so.

The Press release by the ZCTU is actually attempting to drag Chinese companies into its difference on some Zimbabwe's internal issues. In the meantime, it is full of discriminatory and offensive incitements against a specific ethnic group. Non- interference in other countries; internal affairs and rejecting racial discrimination are the consistent principles of the Chinese government. Threats, intimidation and bullying against Chinese enterprises will only damage the image and credibility of the ZCTU.  Chinese enterprises in Zimbabwe will, as always, continue advancing mutually beneficial and win-win co-operation, create more job opportunities for Zimbabwean workers, and support Zimbabwe’s economic and social development. We trust the wisdom and judgment of the Zimbabwean people.- Chinese embassy

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