Mat North provincial offices relocation in limbo

Local Government and Public Works minister Daniel Garwe recently told Parliament that plans to relocate the provincial offices to Lupane may spill into 2025.

THE government has failed to relocate Matabeleland North provincial offices from Mhlahlandlela Government Complex in Bulawayo to Welshman Mabhena Government Complex in Lupane amid revelations that there has been delays in the construction of the building to house the offices in the provincial capital.

Local Government and Public Works minister Daniel Garwe recently told Parliament that plans to relocate the provincial offices to Lupane may spill into 2025.

This comes after Tsholotsho North legislator Sethulo Ndebele asked Garwe about the reasons for the provincial offices to be still housed at Mhlahlandlela.

“The completion of the Welshman Mabhena Government Complex in Lupane has been a moving target since August 2012 to date,” Garwe said.

“The 2024 projected completion date and subsequent commissioning was set for 30 June 2024. However, due to competing financial commitments, all the planned completion targets have been missed including the 2018 one.”

Garwe added: “The remaining works are perimeter fencing, landscaping and construction of the main gate. Outstanding payments as well as outstanding works require US$957 510.”

He said relocation could only be done when the building is 100% complete.

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