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Chimombe, Mpofu bail hearing deferred again

Local News
The duo is being represented by lawyers Ashwell Mugiya and Tapson Dzvetero, respectively.

ZANU PF central committee member Mike Chimombe (43) and his business partner Moses Mpofu (49) will spend another night in remand prison after Harare regional magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa deferred their bail application to tomorrow.

The duo is being represented by lawyers Ashwell Mugiya and Tapson Dzvetero, respectively.

During bail application, Dzvetero told the court that investigating officer Gamuchirai Zimunhu was lying that Mpofu did not stay in Avondale.

He argued that Blackdeck (Pvt) Limited should be charged on its own as a company and not his client.

He further said Mpofu went to Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) offices twice until the lead investigating officer Henry Chapwanya dismissed him.

Dzvetero argued that Chimombe and Mpofu were willing to co-operate with the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission officials in the investigations.

Chimombe and Mpofu were arraigned before the courts for allegedly defrauding government of more than US$7 million meant for the Presidential Goat Pass-on Scheme.

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