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We are empowering youths - Paradza

Paradza was in the province on a fact finding mission on the challenges facing the youth in assessing mining claims.

ZANU PF deputy secretary for youth affairs John Paradza has said they are empowering youth through mining and fishing projects to prevent them from drug abuse.

Paradza, who is the deputy minister of Environment, Climate and Wildlife made the remarks this weekend while addressing hundreds of the party’s youth supporters in Mashonaland West province.

Paradza was in the province on a fact finding mission on the challenges facing the youth in assessing mining claims.

“In Mashonaland West province we heard that the youths are facing different challenges with issues to do with empowerment.

“We assured them that we are empowering every youth from each corner of this country including Mashonaland West, our President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said we should leave no one no place behind.

“We have mining projects which we want to empower our youth with, we have fishing projects and we are issuing mining permits to our youths because we don’t want our youths to be involved in drugs,” said Paradza.

Mnangagwa this week launched the Zimbabwe Multi-Sectoral Drug and Substance Abuse Plan (2024-2030) which is expected to combat the scourge.

In his remarks during the launch, the President said the scourge “knows no bounds” hence requires collective effort in fighting the scourge.

He said no nation can develop if its citizens are addicted to drugs.

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