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Disgraced: Villagers pounce on dethroned chief

Local News

AGGRIEVED Gokwe North villagers in the Midlands province have grabbed their former Chief’s vehicle and virtually stripped bare his home of all property after successfully suing him for ill-treating them during his tenure.

The villagers turned the tables on former Chief Nemangwe, born Mike Patyavazungu,  by suing him for US$10 000 through the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) who successfully managed to attach, through the Messenger of Court, his Toyota double cab vehicle and several  household property, which included sofas, tables, chairs, television set, wardrobe and bed.

“Owing to delinquency, a former traditional leader has lost his vehicle and household property after it was confiscated for sale to recover more than US$10 000 which he owes to some villagers, whom he ill-treated through abusing his power and arbitrarily depriving them of their belongings,” said ZLHR in a statement.

Patyavazungu was dethroned early last year and the villagers took advance to sue him for damages amounting to more than US$10 000 for payment and compensation for their livestock, which included cattle and goats, which Patyavazungu had confiscated during his tenure as Chief Nemangwe.

Among the irate villagers who sought justice were Shepherd Chiwome, Musafare Takaedza, Tongai Makombe, Fanny Gora, Sammy Kujacha and Joshua Makombe.

“During his tenure as Chief Nemangwe, Patyavazungu and his aides descended on some villagers’ homesteads and grabbed cattle, goats and some farming implements after having presided over community court sessions, where he convicted them for committing various offences including alleging that they had committed incest, a charge which they denied,” said ZLHR in their statement.

“At one time Patyavazungu, together with his aides, resorted to self-help by seizing some cattle belonging to a villager on the pretext that he owed some family outstanding lobola payments. However, he was ordered to return the villager’s cattle within 24 hours,” they added.

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