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Econet defrauded

Local News
The complainant in the matter is Econet Wireless represented by Brighton Machisi, the company’s fraud specialist.

A CHITUNGWIZA man  appeared before magistrate Apollonia Marutya yesterday charged with three counts of defrauding Econet Wireless of US$ 5 291.

Clever Manhombo (40) was remanded in custody to tomorrow for bail application.

The complainant in the matter is Econet Wireless represented by Brighton Machisi, the company’s fraud specialist.

Prosecutor Zebidiah Bofu alleged that on October 11 this year, Manhombo acted in connivance with three accomplices who are still at large to defraud Econet.

Manhombo allegedly  took a CABS Zimdollar debit card belonging to one of his accomplices  and removed the chip and implanted it into an FNB South African visa card.

The court heard that  Manhombo and his accomplices went to Avondale Econet Shop where they misrepresented that the CABS debit card number was a genuine FNB visa card.

They used the fake debit card to purchase two Iphone 14 cellphones valued at US$ 3 150,30.

On the same day, they went to Econet Chisipite branch where they used the same modus operandi to purchase an IPhone 14 cellphone valued at US$1 575,15.

On October 12, they went to Econet Herbert Chitepo branch and bought a Samsung A33  valued at US$435,34.

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