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Marondera councillors tussle for mayoral post

Local News
On Tuesday, the councillors reportedly met in Dombotombo where they clashed over who will assume the mayoral position and which ones will be committee chairpersons.

CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) councillors in Marondera are reportedly tussling for the mayoral position despite calls by their leader Nelson Chamisa to focus on the current poll result dispute.

The opposition party won the majority seats in the farming town after getting nine of the 12 wards.

On Tuesday, the councillors reportedly met in Dombotombo where they clashed over who will assume the mayoral position and which ones will be committee chairpersons.

The meeting also saw the councillors clashing over the deputy mayoral post.

NewsDay is reliably informed that four councillors revealed that they were interested in the mayoral posts.

Chamisa, through his party deputy spokesperson Gift “Ostallos” Siziba revealed this week that the opposition party is ready to relinquish all seats as a protest to force a fresh election.

Chamisa lost in the presidential race to Zanu PF’s Emmerson Mnangagwa after the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission announced that he garnered 44% of the August 23 and 24 vote, while his rival polled 52,6%.

CCC Marondera district cluster leader Jameson Timba yesterday said he could not comment since he was out of the country.

“I am not around, I will check,” Timba said.

CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi said he was not aware of the situation in Marondera.

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