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Court frees human rights activist

Local News
Mudhege ruled that prosecutors failed to prove a prima facie case against Chitakunye as there were no essential elements proven for the offence she was charged with.

BINDURA magistrate Joyline Mudhege on Tuesday freed human rights activist, Onai Chitakunye, who was facing charges of convening an illegal meeting.

Chitakunye, who is a member of the Institute for Young Women’s Development (IYWD), was facing a charge of violating sections of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (Mopa).

Chitakunye was arrested on July 29, 2022 and accused of convening an illegal meeting which was attended by 80 people at Mayfair Lodge in Bindura.

Police said she did not notify Chief Superintendent Gladman Chiparaushe in writing, the Officer Commanding Bindura District, in terms of Mopa for approval.

On Tuesday, Chitakunye, who was being represented by Tinashe Chinopfukutwa and Kelvin Kabaya of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), was, however, found not guilty and acquitted.

Mudhege ruled that prosecutors failed to prove a prima facie case against Chitakunye as there were no essential elements proven for the offence she was charged with.

The magistrate ruled that no evidence had been led by prosecutors during the trial, leaving the court with nothing to reasonably rely on to convict Chitakunye.

Mudhege also ruled that the alleged unsanctioned meeting was exempted from the requirements of notifying the police.

Chitakunye is the latest person to be rescued by ZLHR among a number of persons arrested and charged with contravening Mopa provisions.

On June 8, 2023, two IYWD team members, Sandra Zenda and Kudakwashe Munemo, were acquitted after standing trial for also contravening Mopa.

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