BULAWAYO’S Geraldine Roche Drama Production said they are working on a series titled Ziyathunqa The Series that showcases people’s real live situations in society and is expected to be aired on ZBCTV.
Shot in Mpopoma, Magwegwe and Bradfield, Ziyathunqa The Series tells a story of a middle-aged man who tries to keep up appearance, and ends up being involved in an illegal business with his landlady.
Geraldine Roche Drama’s programmes manager, Khaliphile Sibanda told NewsDay Life & Style yesterday that the educational series would touch on the reasons for certain issues in the society and their possible solutions.
“We are always inspired by the lives of the surrounding environment, the people we meet in life as well as everything we do inspired us to write Ziyathunqa The Series that caters for all age groups. We believe it is time to tell our original stories as Matabeleland,” she said.
“Soon after this, we aim to move on to other projects as we have finished the competition that started in January and we are waiting to go to Harare for performances with the winners Bambelela Arts Ensemble.”
Ziyathunqa The Series features actors among them Gift Chakuvinga, Decipher Ndlovu, Alex Marowa, Farie Jules and Patience Zhou.