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Chinhanu urges youth to keep focused on health gains

Life & Style
Chinhanu visualised a steadfast focus on goals when he drew a leopard themed Eyes Focus ahead of courage, temper, speed and timing in addition to it being a ruthless predator.

MUTARE-BASED realism charcoal pencil artist Charles Chinhanu speaks to several issues through his creative drawing.

Like any other forms of art, there is always a hidden meaning and much clearer interpretation accessible to the generality.

His artistry, which may be classified as realism art, has bold messages from his attention to detail as well as a very tactical disguise of his overall intent.

This alone makes his creative works much more entertaining and suitable for wall hanging, posters and book illustrations.

Chinhanu visualised a steadfast focus on goals when he drew a leopard themed Eyes Focus ahead of courage, temper, speed and timing in addition to it being a ruthless predator.

He explains that like the leopard, one has to be strategic and hide for prey in a appropriate environment.

Likewise, he believes that charcoal pencil artistry and any other form of career choice needs one to hone the skills over time being focused on their goals.

Humans are unlike animals as they communicate and agree on a shared future, which comes out of mutual understanding.

A level ground allows for multi-level development that leaves no one behind.

Chinhanu noted: “I really enjoy working on my pencil art and the story behind my drawing on Eye Focus is about keeping your goals on what you need to achieve and this leopard was in hiding while in search of food. That is why the eyes are wide open and focused on its target.

“Health Wise is a persuasive reminder to the youth that unprotected heterosexual contact and infected sharp objects remain the root causes of HIV and Aids, and sexually-transmitted infections. Condoms and sharp objects lifted in the picture drawing provoke serious thought about HIV and Aids prevention and treatment.”

Added Chinhanu: “This drawing also exposes that young people secretly use illicit drug injections and at the end of the day do not only risk health gains, but HIV and Aids infections also. Substance abuse has in most cases resulted in mental health problems.

“Handle Your Love speaks volumes about self-control and keeping family ties through love and kindness as well as being compassionate to each other.”

Chinhanu told NewsDay Life & Style that he believes that creation of spaces for exhibitions, including boundless communication and networking, help both locals and the international community to appreciate charcoal pencil drawing and other art forms.

He added that his drawings were mainly for wall hanging and were symbolic content for communicating and whiling up time on several subjects.

Chinhanu’s creative works are more appealing to look at through their attention to detail while being abstract.

He mentioned that he could do much more amazing work if it were not for the limitations imposed by expensive canvas and frames that he uses.

“I am still yet to win an award and hope that when the right time comes, I wish to teach others how to draw and how to make good art,” Chinhanu said.

“Art helps people to sharpen their mindsets and position themselves for the goals they love to realise.”


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