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Zim crown jewel Tamy Moyo bares her soul

Life & Style
Tamy Moyo

TAMY Moyo is one of Africa and Zimbabwe’s foremost musicians. She has touched several people worldwide through her mercurial talent. The songstress has also sold out countless venues in Zimbabwe.

She has millions of fans throughout Africa, predominantly in Southern Africa. Her presence across all social media and streaming platforms is quite vast. Tamy is also verified on both Facebook and Instagram. The Hype Magazine’s Life & Style correspondent, Charles Myambo (CM) had an interview with Tamy Moyo (TM).

Below are some excerpts from the interview.

CM: You stand out as one of the greatest vocalists in the music industry today. How would you describe your journey to the top and some of the sacrifices you had to make along the way?

TM: My journey has been one of many obstacles, challenges and losses but with just as many wins. I started singing when I was seven years old and now I’m 24. It took a lot of support from the people I love the most, my family and God’s grace together with hard work. I have had to sacrifice hours of sleep, social time with my peers in order to put in enough time for preparations, studio and rehearsals. My parents had to have enough conversations with relatives about letting me pursue my career while trying to attain an education. They have been patient and very supportive and so I always feel I owe them my best when working.

CM: Surely it can be difficult and perhaps frustrating at times to not get the global recognition you deserve. How do you maintain being ambitious yet avoiding the urge to become impatient?

TM: It can be very frustrating to not get the global recognition, that’s true but I believe it’s just a matter of time. I believe God’s timing will do it. I won’t say I’m very patient because I’ve had a few seasons where I felt I wanted to throw in the towel, but I strongly believe I have come this far to only come this far. I draw inspiration from stories of those who have succeeded in the same industry. I’m always learning and researching because I know my time is coming. Above all else I love what I do and I always try to focus my energy on that.

CM: To have achieved all the incredible feats you have at your relatively young age is simply remarkable. Who are the people you credit the most for helping you become the superstar you are today?

TM: All the credit goes to the Most High God for the gift itself and the will and drive to keep working. Top of the list after God is definitely my parents. They always try to understand my vision and where I’m going with each production. They will put in hours to get the job done and sing along to every lyric when I’m performing. I’m always so grateful to them for allowing the creative in me to flourish. Then my siblings Tyler, Tanicia, Terri-Anne, Torileigh, Tamanda for always being my biggest fans. Then my incredible work team from the glam squad, visuals team to the public relations and management. Then of course each and every one who supported my music, meaning every fan. They always show up and show out for me, streaming and sharing all the music. All the media, they all play a crucial part in my journey.

CM: You recently got featured in GQ which is a very prominent outlet and now you are having an interview with The Hype Magazine. What does it mean to you and your family to garner all this global attention?

TM: I’m grateful for every opportunity to share my story and my artistry. I feel honoured to have been featured in GQ and now The Hype Magazine. This global attention means we must be doing something right as team Tamy. All our efforts are not going unnoticed. It gives me strength and will power to keep going. I also believe it is just the beginning of greater things to come. I will be a global icon one day!

CM: Is there a specific song, album or performance that you feel may have been instrumental in helping you break into the mainstream?

TM: I strongly feel every production has been a stepping stone into the international market. But I think special mention goes to my song Kwandinobva. I believe it stood out and I did my best to tell the story of Zimbabweans through the lyrics, the visuals, the fashion and the lifestyle portrayed. African music is taking off and I’m confident I will definitely be part of the shift and movement of making African music global. Kwandinobva was a great start.

CM: Tamy both of us are Zimbabwean natives and our nation/culture tends to be apprehensive towards any career that is not in a conventional field. Zimbabwean parents and relatives tend to glorify careers in medicine, law, engineering and accountancy. How did you successfully break free from that cultural norm we have?

TM: I am blessed and fortunate to have parents who have a genuine appreciation for art. As I mentioned earlier, they were not immune to the apprehension coming from family members regarding my choice to not take on a conventional career path and all but I strongly believe they are visionaries in their own right and were already seeing into the future. They still however encouraged me to complete my studies and they were no exception for that. So because of their support I worked hard so as to not humiliate them but instead try to make them proud both in school and career wise. That’s why I always encourage parents who have children who are blessed creatively to support their own because I am a product of that.

CM: What aspirations or upcoming projects would you like to highlight at this moment?

TM: I have a few projects I am working on and I’m excited to share. I’m not at liberty to share much. But I will be performing in the USA year end as a solo act which will be my first tour as a solo act in the US. I am about to release a new single titled 100 (Good Side) before the year ends. I also collaborated with the faves on a track called Kumawere with Holy 10, Ishan and Nutty O. We will be touring soon. There’s so much in the pipeline that will soon unravel on all my socials. I can’t wait to share.


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