Chickenpox scare at Byo school

File pic: Chicken Pox

INZWANANZI Primary School in Luveve, Bulawayo has been hit by an outbreak of chickenpox, with 30 suspected cases being reported at the school this week.

Bulawayo City Council director of health services Edwin Sibanda confirmed the outbreak, saying the most affected were pupils.

“Out of the 30 suspected cases, 18 people had developed rash on their bodies. Nine of them were not at home when we arrived to inspect them, while nine others had not developed any rash yet,” Sibanda said.

Chickenpox is an infection that causes skin rash. The disease is caused by a germ called varicella-zoster virus. Most people get the virus, while they are still young if they are not vaccinated for chickenpox.

Sibanda said there was no routine vaccination for chickenpox and those affected were being treated at the Luveve Clinic.

“Chickenpox can be severe in older people or those with compromised immunity. If you develop a suspicious rash or suspect that you might have it, visit your nearest clinic for a check-up,” he said.

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