Zec was at pains to explain why its voters roll has 3 253 people aged 100 years or more, including 11 who are older than the oldest known surviving person on earth in the Guinness World Book of Records.
Generations have died from treatable ailments because health delivery systems have crumbled due to funding challenges.
Yesterday soccer governing body, the Zimbabwe Football Association (Zifa) booted out Zdravko Logarusic from his cosy position as national team coach as expected. Whatever the excuse for the shoddy performances, one cannot disguise the disorganisation and lack of any kind of coherence in the team’s play has been evident for a long while now.
Unlike in other counties, Zimbabwe national team coaches cannot draw from their own home-grown players because they are inactive and the government seems not to care about the consequences. National team coach Zdravko Logarušić is struggling to replace the seven players that have been barred from travelling to Zimbabwe by their foreign clubs.