The battle for South Africa’s mind and soul

Standard People
The battle for South Africa’s mind and soul

The struggle for South Africa’s mind and soul is centered on two narratives. In the end, the two cannot exist side by side. Therefore, the fight between these two is to the death.

The first is that South Africa belongs to the Western democratic free world. The second narrative is that South Africa belongs to Africa and must develop its own personality in friendship with non-aligned nations.

Brother Ramaphosa

In my last letter, I mentioned the fact that I spent some time in Zululand on a research trip as a guest of Gibson Thula and his wife. Gibson was Chief Mongusuthu Buthelezi’s representative in Johannesburg. I had hosted the pair while they were guests of the US State Department in the US.

When the elections in South Africa resulted in an abbreviated African National Congress, with 158 seats in a 400-seat parliament, I was reminded of the struggles I witnessed in South Africa as a researcher.

President Cyril Ramaphosa must choose, in order to command a majority in Parliament, an alliance with former president Jacob Zuma’s MK party or with the former white apartheid Democratic Alliance.

 Ramaphosa (2018-2023) is a protégé of Nicholas Oppenheimer (Anglo American) and Johann Rupert (grocery chain) as a replacement for the communistic leaning Zuma for the presidency.

Despite his sponsorship by white capital, the brother found himself torn between two loyalties, being true to his own skin or becoming an Oreo (black skin white soul).

During the strike at Marikana Mine, August 2012 the brother issued instructions to the police and the army to treat the strikers as “common criminals”.

A judge, who adjudicated over the case was saddened to find that the police had brought with them not only loaded guns, but caskets as well. More than 40 people were shot dead.

The election has left the brother vulnerable to white mail by the Democratic Alliance (a former white apartheid party).

The Marikana massacre can be resuscitated.

 In February 2020, robbers invaded Ramaphosa’s Phala Phala safari ranch and got away with USD4 million which was stacked in mattresses and wall crevices.

Former spy boss Arthur Fraser alleges that Ramaphosa was involved in money laundering.  Two of the robbers were murdered in Namibia, mafia style.

The DA has requested US assistance.

The DA has made two requests in exchange for their silence. Ramaphosa must give up, in a new government, either the Finance ministry, or the chairmanship of finance oversight committee in Parliament.


South African blacks are being asked to choose between their natural identity and a false Western Eurocentric identity. Leaders such as Ramaphosa though seriously compromised, find themselves at odds with their puppet masters who relentlessly pull the strings towards the Western alliance.

Attaching the South African flag to that of the US seems to be the easiest thing to do for whites. But for blacks, it denies their very humanity.

Ramaphosa has not been faithful to his Western puppet masters. When it came to choosing between the slaughter of Arabs in Gaza under US-Israeli leadership, he found himself torn between being faithful to the struggle or to his puppet masters.

South Africa’s chief Rabbi, Warren Goldstein, was in Washington, DC, March 2024. Among many accusations, Goldstein felt that Ramaphosa was a sellout to “Western values” and called him a Hamas (terrorist) and Iranian proxy.

These are very bad words.

The question white South Africans miss, especially as it affects older African liberation fighters such as Zuma, is that they spent well over 30 years in exile or in jail. During that time, their only friends were Cubans, Russians, Palestinians and Chinese.

Younger South African blacks have been brainwashed to believe that they are “apart” from the rest of Africa. Yet because the ANC leadership has been under the thumb of white capital, these youths are growing old under apartheid with a new name.

 Rutendo Matinyarare observed that while South Africans thought that they had assumed power, their institutions were dominated by former apartheid officers. Here is an example. President Jacob Zuma was being investigated for “communistic association” a crime under apartheid while he was president by whites who were supposed to report to him. His association with communists was at the center of the struggle against apartheid.

Anyway, Ivor Powell, a director of the Scorpions, who wrote the indictment against Zuma was from the apartheid regime. Arthur Fraser, general manager, was another apartheid officer, as was Leonard McCarthy, head of the Scorpions. Andre Pienaar, a cyber expert and special advisor was another apartheid hold-over.

These white officials investigated their new boss commissioner, Jacob Selebi and got him locked up for 15 years in a jailhouse.

No former white presidents of South Africa were investigated or thrown into jail for numerous crimes against humanity they committed.

Accusations against Zuma which date back to 1999 have probably passed the statute of limitations. There was no conclusion and yet Zuma was thrown into a jailhouse for “contempt of court”.

I have taken time to show our readers that the struggle in South Africa is between a black population which assumed nominal power while the apartheid regime retained sufficient power to remove those blacks who do not toe their line.

In 2006 Zuma was charged with 753 counts of receiving money from foreign agents while he was vice president.

There was more. The attempt by the pro-Zuma Gupta brothers to set up media houses challenged the Rand Daily and Cape News conglomerates associated with the white ruling families of South Africa.

An investigation found Zuma’s association with the Guptas and another Asian, Shabir Shaik to be a “corrupt relationship” and, therefore, worthy of criminal prosecution.

Zuma’s people told me that these investigations were instigated by the US, which resented Zuma’s association with Russia and China during the struggle.

Former presidents Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki received thousands of gifts from well-wishers in the US and in Europe. They were not subjected to investigation.

*Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He can be reached at He writes from the US.

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