Professional presence key to success in life

In the current highly competitive world of work, professional presence is what separates the boys from the men and girls from women; it is what separates success from failure.

PROFESSIONAL presence is the new kid on the block as far as personal development and business proficiency is concerned.

In the current highly competitive world of work, professional presence is what separates the boys from the men and girls from women; it is what separates success from failure.

Many people are addicted to the film industry and they love certain actors to the extent that they are even willing to pay anything to watch them in action. That is why the entertainment industry across the world is booming.

What makes an actor popular and successful is the fact that he or she is a person who understood the assignment — to make the audience believe that they are real and to get them hooked on TV or their gadgets for hours, making it the most watched movie, soap opera, drama, action or series.

It is a known secret that many actors who take the role of very cruel, mean, stubborn, trickster or arrogant personalities are actually the exact opposite in real life but they put on a character to get the work done.

That to me is what professional presence is about, being convincing and addictive.

What is professional presence?

Professional presence can be described as the manner in which an individual carries themselves in professional settings. It is about how people experience you as an individual who is representing a brand and what they say about you when you are gone.

It is not about your title, your qualification or experience — it is more about the energy or the aura that you carry and how it impacts the people around you.

Professional presence is a mindset that allows you to think, behave and relate in a manner that gives you the results at the end of the day.

According to Judith E. Glaser, founder of the Creating We Institute and author of Conversational Intelligence, professional presence involves “communicating with confidence, poise, and authenticity”.

Those who possess a strong professional presence are able to command attention and to influence their customers, investors, superiors and other stakeholders positively.

Components of professional presence

Sylvia Ann Hewlett, a famous leadership expert describes professional presence as a mix of gravitas, communication, and appearance. I have come up with the “ABCDE recipe for professional presence” detailed below;


The way one dresses and carries themselves around significantly impacts their professional presence.

Maintaining a polished and appropriate appearance demonstrates respect for oneself and others.

People often buy into services and products when they feel respected and valued. Grooming and etiquette carries a message which says, “I take good care of myself, and I will take good care of your needs too”. A well-groomed individual is often perceived as more competent, reliable and capable.

Body language

Your ability to sell an idea, a service or a product is not only depended on what you say but more importantly, on how you say it.

You are more convincing and enticing if you use brand appropriate body language which gives you an added advantage over competition.

Non-verbal cues represent the experiences that the potential customers or stakeholders will enjoy if they sign up.

Positive body language — such as maintaining eye contact, standing tall, using open gestures, and smiling can enhance one’s professional presence considerably.

Communication skills

Effective communication is the bedrock of professional presence as it exudes confidence and dependability.

You will not be able to sell anything if you cannot communicate in a manner that your target audience understands.

Effective communication allows you to explain yourself clearly and to answer questions convincingly.

Conveying thoughts clearly and assertively can foster respect and influence in professional interactions.

Moreover, adapting one’s communication style to different audiences is vital for successful engagement.

Dynamic personality

A dynamic person possesses a combination of charisma, energy, confidence and authenticity that comes from within. They exude passion for their work and they easily connect with different audiences on a visceral level, eliciting emotions and inspiring admiration.

Dynamic individuals possess the ability to quickly adapt to change, command attention, and leave a lasting impression wherever they go hence increasing their chances of winning people over.

Emotional intelligence

Business success is largely premised on the ability to create and maintain healthy business relationships.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand and manage your emotions in positive ways, which in turn makes you very effective in managing complex business relationships and difficult conversations.

 The most influential people and highly effective leaders in the world possess emotional intelligence.

Why is it important?

The ability to influence people is the most critical trait in the business world and influence is a product of impressions and impressions are created by professional presence.

You may have all other resources but may fail to break through if professional presence is not part of the package on offer.

Whether presenting ideas to stakeholders, negotiating contracts, or guiding a team, a strong professional presence can significantly enhance your ability to influence and persuade others.

Secondly, humans are wired to scan the environment for threats and if your approach leaves your customers or important stakeholders feeling intimidated or disrespected, then you have lost the plot.

Lack  of professional presence gets people into the fight or flight mode where they become defensive and difficult to work with.

Professional presence on the other hand can cause strangers to trust those who exude this energy.

Last but not least, professional presence is your curriculum vitae (CV).

You convey your worth and your value through professional presence.

The moment someone sees you approaching them, they start to ask themselves, “is this person worth my time, are they worth listening to, can I trust them, can I hire them, can I promote them?”

Furthermore, professional presence creates suspense and curiosity on what else you are going to say and what it is you have to offer.

How to cultivate professional presence

Each person is born with potential to become great in one way or the other.

Some  discover  their  potential  quite early in life while others have to go through thorough training and coaching later in life to unveil the power that resides within them.

With the right tools and guidance, anyone is able to discover the wealth hidden inside of them.

Professional presence can be extracted from within through adopting the following practices on daily basis:

Constructive feedback: To improve your professional presence, ask trusted colleagues or mentors for feedback about how you are perceived in the workplace or in stakeholder meetings. Use this information to identify areas for improvement.

Active Listening: Listen to understand, not to respond. Pay attention, not only to what is being said, but also to the emotions behind the words said. This practice will enhance your emotional intelligence and improve your ability to connect with others despite the odds.

Communication skills: Invest time in public speaking or communication courses to boost your confidence in articulating your thoughts. Practicing speaking in front of a mirror or recording yourself can also help refine your delivery.

Body language: Be mindful of your non-verbal cues. Ensure they align with your spoken messages and the values of the organisation you represent. Practice open, welcoming postures.

Your wardrobe: Adapt your clothes to match the professional standards of your industry. Sign up for a grooming and etiquette course to help you know how best to clothe your body type and personality. 


Professional presence can take you to places where your qualifications, experience, resources or connections cannot take you.

Invest in developing this skill which already exists within you and just requires discovering, unearthing, nurturing and cultivation. 

  • Mhaka is a multi-award winning life coach, wellness consultant, conference speaker, motivational speaker, strategy workshop facilitator, master of ceremonies and author. Her mission is to help people discover and nurture their inborn mental capabilities. She is the founder and executive director of BeMindFit, a mental health awareness organisation. -+263 772513713, +263 780117779 or [email protected] These weekly New Horizon articles, published in the Zimbabwe Independent, are coordinated by Lovemore Kadenge, an independent consultant, managing consultant of Zawale Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, past president of the Zimbabwe Economics Society and past president of the Chartered Governance & Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe (CGI Zimbabwe). — [email protected] or mobile: +263 772 382 852.


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