A 24-YEAR-OLD man was sentenced to two years in jail by Guruve resident magistrate Shingirai Mutiro after breaking into an Apostolic Faith Mission Church building in Mvurwi where he stole goods worth US$2 212 on Christmas Day.

Richard Chipeta (24), of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to 24 months imprisonment before six months were suspended on condition of good behaviour. Prosecutor Carson Kundiona told the court that around midnight on Christmas Day, Chipeta broke into a cottage at the church premises and stole a 32-inch plasma television set and a cooking pot taking advantage of the caretaker’s absence.

The caretaker, who was not named in court papers, later came back and noticed the break-in. She reported the matter to police. Chipeta was arrested two days later after he was found selling the stolen property.

In mitigation, Chipeta said he was confused and just found himself inside the church premises.

“Your worship, I did not intend to commit this crime but somehow on Christmas Day confusion struck me and I just found myself committing the offence. May the honourable have mercy on me,” he pleaded.

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