ZANU PF internal fights escalated yesterday with the party’s secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa taking a dig at Justice minister Emmerson Mnangagwa and Information minister Jonathan Moyo describing them as divisive elements.


He warned that members found guilty of working to destroy the party from within risked annihilation.

Addressing party youths during a no-hold barred meeting in Mutare, Mutasa warned party members against factionalism, saying anyone found aligned to a particular faction would be “fished out” of the ruling party.

“You said there are two factions, one led by Amai (Joice) Mujuru and the other one by Emmerson Mnangagwa,” Mutasa said.

“Let me say what I have always said that Mujuru has no faction. Mujuru faction, if it is there, is all of us because she is our leader. If she wanted factions she should leave her post first and do factions. She is not doing that. There is only one faction led by Mnangagwa because a faction is described as a group of few people who will be working outside the majority.”

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Mutasa added: “This is what I have learnt when President (Robert) Mugabe said I had gone to school. Yes, I went to school to learn about that, to learn politics. Mnangagwa is my friend and we spent two years together in prison. If he asks me about this I will repeat what I have said because it’s the truth.”

Turning to the issue of “weevils” that have reportedly penetrated Zanu PF, Mutasa retorted: “You were talking about the issue of weevils here. Way back we used to treat weevils by spraying Gamatox (pesticide) and they will all die.”

In apparent reference to Moyo who was over the weekend described by Mugabe as a ‘weevil’or a “devil incarnate” bent on destroying the party from within: “Our weevils, if you know about them, which we are castigating now, please apply Gamatox on them. If you do that we will be left with one camp and not to say there is this camp and that camp.”

Addressing mourners following the death of national hero and former Information minister Nathan Shamuyarira on Friday, Mugabe accused Moyo of abusing the public media to fan factionalism in the ruling Zanu PF.