THE work place should not be a place to work and make wealth only, but it should be a place where we release our true purpose, potential and get fulfilment.

It’s a place we should make an impact through positive, progressive and productive contributions.

That cannot be possible if companies become stations of injury, sickness and death.

The well-being of a person physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and intellectually is important at work.

If those things are not realised, workplaces become places of frustration and endless fracases.

This week, let’s focus on the importance of safety and health in the office.

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Occupational safety and health (OSH) should be taken seriously by leaders and managers.

It becomes easy to cascade that knowledge or information on OSH to others.

So, it’s important to raise awareness on OSH to all workers at all times.

As an occupational safety and health trainer and specialist myself, the first strategic and yet diagnostic question I pose to every leader is: When was the last time your company or organisation had occupational safety and health training?

Let’s start with the basic; safety and health in the office.

Maintaining a safe and healthy office environment is crucial for the well-being and productivity of employees.

Here are some indispensable strategies to ensure a safe and healthy workplace:

Ergonomic workstation

According to the Ergonomics module by the National Social Security Authority (NSSA), the word ergonomics is a construct of two “Greek words ergon (work) and nomos (laws) . . . the study of work or science of work.”

An ergonomic workstation set-up is vital to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and enhance comfort.

Ensure that commonly used equipment in the office, such as desks, chairs and computer monitors are adjustable to suit individual needs.

Everyone, leaders and employees alike, should take regular breaks and practice good posture to reduce strain.

Cleanliness and office maintenance

A clean office is a healthy office.

Regular cleaning and maintenance help prevent the spread of germs and reduce the risk of accidents.

For example, ensure that high-touch surfaces are disinfected frequently and that the office is free from clutter that could cause trips and falls.

Fire safety training and drills

In one of my studies with an international business school, our first training was on fire and safety.

My question then was: What has this to do with my studies?

I learnt later that it had everything to do with safety.

Fire safety is a critical aspect of workplace safety.

Conduct regular fire safety training and drills to ensure that employees know how to respond in case of an emergency.

Install and maintain fire alarms, extinguishers, and emergency exits.

Conflict resolution

Conflict at work is inevitable. Some scholars would say conflict is healthy and is a sure sign that we are different.

In those differences or uniqueness, we should then seek for amicable means to resolve conflict.

A harmonious workplace is a productive one.

Every company should have workshops on conflict resolution.

Leaders should implement conflict resolution strategies and provide support for employees facing personal or professional challenges.

Encourage open communication and provide resources such as counselling services and training on emotional intelligence.

Stress management

Workplace stress can lead to serious health issues such as depression and mental issues.

At times as managers, we are concerned about productivity and results and forget the wellbeing of employees.

Therefore, there is a need to train and implement stress management programmes that include activities like mindfulness training, wholesomeness, mental exercise sessions, and access to mental health resources. Encourage a healthy work-life balance.

Air quality and ventilation

The quality of the air we breathe is very important. Good air quality is essential for a healthy office environment.

Companies need to regularly monitor air quality and ensure proper ventilation to reduce the risk of respiratory issues.

Noise reduction

In OSH studies, it is said that excessive noise can be a significant distraction and health hazard.

Implement noise reduction measures such as soundproofing, providing noise-cancelling headphones, and creating quiet zones.

Through regular workshops and training, workers can be encouraged to be mindful of noise levels.

Chemical handling and storage

Correct handling and storage of chemicals are crucial to prevent accidents and health issues.

Again, it is important to provide training to employees on the safe use of chemicals and ensure that all hazardous materials are clearly labelled and stored in appropriate containers.

Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all chemicals used in the office.

Good lighting

An office should have enough and good lighting.

Good lighting reduces eye fatigue and strain. Good light ensures concentration.

Poor light leads to eye damage and vision related problems.

There are different types of office lighting and the well known three types of lighting are: Natural lighting this is when we use windows and sunlight or skylights to bring light into the office.

There is also artificial light this is when we use bulbs, fluorescents and other LED options.

The third type of lighting is called task based lighting this is lighting needed for a specific task such as desk lamps.

Ensure good lighting in your office all the time.

Parting Point: Every company is encouraged to have a health and safety departments.

This will ensure that there are training programmes on OSH generally and office safety in particular.

You might not have an OSH department, but outsource the services of an OSH expert or consult with NSSA for more tailor-made training workshops.

By addressing these key areas, you can create a safer and healthier office environment that promotes the well-being and productivity of all employees.