AFTER the November 18 #MunhuWeseMuroad demonstation that was scuttled by State security agents through alleged abductions, etc, one would have expected Zimbabweans to speak with one voice in condemnation of abductions and arrests that took place on that day.

Guest Column: Setfree Mafukidze

Patson Dzamara was allegedly abducted and assaulted by suspected State security agents

But surprisingly, Zimbabweans would rather attack those that had chosen to act against the failed regime.

Zimbabweans are suffering, living below the poverty datum line, having to go on with a health system that has more life losses than survivors, having to go for days, weeks or months without water, having to live in difficulty in almost all areas, standing in long bank queues, a dilapidated infrastructure nationwide, abuse of human rights by the State — the list is endless.

All this being a result of corruption and continued plunder of the country’s resources, be they minerals, wildlife or financial resources, as well as the loss of confidence by potential investors as they fear political interference that may result in loss of valuable investments.

Then, the introduction of bond notes has further scared away even more investors, with some companies working towards a complete shutdown to avoid trade using the surrogate currency.

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Then enter those who have decided to take the government to task on their shortcomings, their failure to deal with corruption and other vices. I will mention just a few individuals being human rights defenders, namely Patson Dzamara, Silvanos “Bhanditi” Mudzvova, Sten Zvorwadza, Linda Masarira and Fadzai Mahere, among others.

Before these named activists could do anything, the usual story does the rounds, that they had been paid by the West to lead protests against something that is obviously wrong, being corruption and general mismanagement of the country.

If the West is prepared to assist with funds for people to deal with the rot in the country, then why are Zimbabweans themselves not pushing for their own cause? Does it mean Zimbabweans are comfortable with the status quo?

Accusations against these civic organisation leaders is they received $100 000 and this had led to disagreements among themselves for a successful protest in the street.

Dzamara has, in some quarters, been labelled a grand schemer and attention-seeker because he has been at the forefront of seeking answers on his missing brother Itai, and also at the forefront of taking government to task over the state of affairs in the country, but is that so?

I don’t buy that. I believe most people dislike people who take the limelight from them.

Dzamara has every reason to protest, even on a daily basis. He has the motivation, maybe more than most. I would do the same if any of my brothers goes missing as a result of State abduction.

Having said the little I could, my question now is: Where are those people who have not been paid $100 000? Why are they not taking action when things have gone to the dogs in the country?

Protests are not meant to violate or humiliate the government. They are meant to draw government attention to critical issues that may not be getting enough attention or action.

It remains a fact that the government of Zimbabwe has done very little, or even nothing, to deal with corruption and ignoring them with a wait-and-see attitude is wrong and completely unacceptable, for it is our future that is being crippled further.

Zimbabweans, if you don’t trust those leading these protests, then lead them yourselves. Take the government head-on, bring it to task. They must act in the areas that they are failing and address the people’s grievances rather than scare them.

Setfree Mafukidze is a political analyst and an active member of Zimbabwe People First