BEAUTY queen and Junior Chamber International Zimbabwe (JCI) ambassador, Valerie Chingonzo, yesterday said all was set for the JCI International World Peace Day commemorations scheduled for tomorrow at a Harare hotel.


Valerie Chingonzo

Chingonzo, who is the reigning Miss World Universities Continental Queen (Africa), said the event was part of the JCI’s Global Peace is Possible campaign designed to facilitate collaborations and open dialogue among all sectors of society in pushing for peace.

“The campaign aims to mobilise young people worldwide to create awareness, advocate, take action and commit to an everlasting world peace and the worldwide adoption of the global goals for sustainable development, which is just one step toward achieving this peace,” she said.

The theme on the evening would be Peace and Justice — The world We Want (by 2030).

JCI director Chipo Mpemba said the event was aimed at, among other things, celebrating International World Peace Day in unionism, while mapping the way forward on how all stakeholders could contribute to the building of peace.

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“The event seeks to bring people together to address aspects of peace through an open dialogue with power talks from experts and leaders across Zimbabwe focusing on the topic chosen,” Mpemba said.

Peace organisations, the civic, private and public and private sector were expected to attend the commemorations.

JCI is a worldwide membership-based non-profit organisation of young active citizens between 18 and 40 years dedicated to creating positive change in their communities.